Cat Stevens is a Muslim. - known now as Yusuf Islam. He is a leading member of the British Islamic Society.
JoinedPosts by muslima
List of famous Jehovah's Witnesses
by plmkrzy inlist of famous jehovah's witnesses
a range of participation is represented by these individuals, from full activity to disaffiliation.
ken richmond - the man who banged the gong in the rank organisation film logo from 1955 onward.
will be gone for awhile.
by purplesofa in.
i cant email everyone ....dont have time.
my brother committed suicide.... have to be out of town for awhile.. purps
Dear purplesofa,
Very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Anyone seen the cult indoctrination in the new Clooney flick, "Syrian"?
by MinisterAmos in.
one of the bridging plot sequences is the indoctrination of some young pakistanis into alquedah or a similar group.. i was shocked at the similarities between their introduction to the moslem religion (love bombing, long studies etc) and the way dubs are sucked in.. both use the same tactics and withhold a great deal of info until the person is thought to be "ready".. watch it with an open mind and try not to let my suggestions influence you, and then report your experience!
That may be the way that so called muslim extremeists aka terrorists as depicted in that movie do their recruiting, however that is not the way that islam propagates. Next to the truth of their being only one God -- there is no compulsion in religion is the next key point - if you wish.
i watched Syriana more than once - and i agree it does not put a very good light on muslims. that doesn't bother me because unfortuately facts are facts. extremes in any religion or group of people with a common thread always breeds trouble.
one thing that people do not consider about the many people that resort to suicide bombing is that these people are victims of poverty. they have nothing to live for. so someone telling them bs about how they will be supposedly rewarded in heaven is like salve on a wound -- but they don't realise the damage they do to the ummah in general by being suckered into this behaviour. i am not defending their behaviour, but I know that true poverty really messes up peoples minds and make fertile soil for extemeists.
just my 2 cents worth.
To all who know Scootergirl...
by frozen one ini just received a phone call from a friend.
she wanted to let me know that scootergirl's husband committed suicide.
i know scootergirl has many, many friends on this board.
many condolances scootergirl...many people's thoughts are with you and i am sure we are all willing you our strength across this vast ether...
A little of my story; by request
by Fleur ini wrote this years ago now...and i will add an update to the end.. essie.
i believe it was about five years ago i wrote that.
there is no name on it so i don't know who wrote it.
Dearest Essie,
Words fail me to express all the emotions brought to the surface by reading the events of your life. Thank you for sharing it with us and helping to remind me that we women can be strong - being the submissive we women we were taught to be - does not make us doormats nor milk toast. I remind myself of this in the first place.
Wishing you infinate amounts of happiness...
We met with J.R. Brown and Spivey- My impression
by ronin1 inmy husband and i have been the recipients of elder shepherding calls.
they are bs.
some elders came into our home one night requesting a meeting with us because they wanted to ask us questions about one of my brothers, who was an elder, but got deleted because he stood up for what was right and denounced the wrong things the elders were doing.
Wow ronin1 - you are tough! go girl!! :)
Breast Surgery - Update
by liquidsky inwell i had my surgery on friday.
i don't know what i was so nervous about, it wasn't bad at all.
i'm a little sore but the pain meds help alot.
Congratulations!! wonderful news...:)
Side note fleur -- I didn't want you to be the last commenter...:)
I don't say much on the board (except for the last few weeks) but I appreciate everyone here, :-*
The Watchtower Society Reforms! Would you go back?
by Fleshybirdfodder ini don't think i would under any circumstances.
under what criteria would you?
or wouldn't you?
Now THAT was funny! Thank you for forcing the most sincere smile out of my face for days...:)
My Story: My Current Religious Experience from Birth to the Present
by the_classicist ini don't believe i've said anything about myself here, so here goes.. i was raised a jehovah's witness from birth.
my family's invovlement in this particular religion began with my great grandmother, a rather lovely woman who lived a long life who made homemade oreos which i had the occasion to enjoy once; she died firm in her beliefs.
my grandmother was subsequently raised in this religion, although not all of her brothers and sisters were, as far as i can reckon.
Well put Juni,
"I believe there is a God of the Universe. I believe that one's relationship w/their Creator is personal and should always remain that way. It's you and God. I'm a person who stays connected w/God by showing love toward others and trying my very best not to purposely sin. What the future holds? I don't know. I take each day and be as good a person as I can be and enjoy life. Really when you consider Jesus's words to "do unto others as you would like done to you" you will have God's blessing."
Thank you for this simplistic overview of personal behavior....
(I am sure God in his wisdom knew we would have ADD -- so we need the core clear and precise...!:)
What to do - my heart is broken - I feel like a hollow shell ....
by muslima innothing in side.. i will give you all the short storyl i was married to an elder - had 3 beautiful chilren -- after 17 years of mariiage -- i couldn't take it all any more.
i bailed when my youngest was 11, 13 and 16.. it was my intention to be no religion at all.
i abhor organized religion.
Once again allow me to reinterate how much it touched my heart that so many of you took the time to reply.
For those of you that wonder why the heck I would go from the pot to the frying pan so to speak - If one takes the time to read the Quran - you can tell that the source is the same. Just like Mark Twain has a style of writing, so does God. And just like the Bible is taken out of context - so is the Quran. I do not subscribe to the mainstream sects of Islam, namely Sunni or Shia...nor do I blindly follow along with all the so called religions stuff that is just Arabic culture, but rather a much smaller group of totally sincerely people who learn their Islam (submission) straight from the Quran - not by following the Hadith - or all the stories written about how Muhammed did this or that. For those of you interested in a bit more education on that topic, I include a couple of links.
I am still numb from this experience. I have cried so much. How do you reason with a person who says, "Well it doesn't really matter if it is the truth or not - If it is -- great! If not, well it didn't hurt any to be sheltered from all the bad stuff out there. That's the way I see it." (quoting my son)