need a break from the project (and just plain missing you all!).
so who's up for a little light relief in the form of a good old game of 'word association'?.
i'll kick us off with a word and you simply post your reply highlighting the first word you thought of - and so on and so on and so on ........ nic'.
in response to the account shared in sound bite #1, one former jw who is very active in the ex-jw work, asked a former bethelite if these gb men, and others in responsible positions, are at all concerned about the flock they publish literature to.
this was asked in response to some of the accounts given about how they deal with issues and eventually publish their finished products.. the former bethelite had to admit that they really didn't care, even when they knew that published policy and material was not right.
not they they were totally uncaring, but felt helpless because they just see themselves as 'cogs' in a big organizational machine.
To anyone:
I was just wondering what BRCI stood for...what is it???
in response to the account shared in sound bite #1, one former jw who is very active in the ex-jw work, asked a former bethelite if these gb men, and others in responsible positions, are at all concerned about the flock they publish literature to.
this was asked in response to some of the accounts given about how they deal with issues and eventually publish their finished products.. the former bethelite had to admit that they really didn't care, even when they knew that published policy and material was not right.
not they they were totally uncaring, but felt helpless because they just see themselves as 'cogs' in a big organizational machine.
To anyone:
I was just wondering what BRCI stood for...what is it???
No offense to you other Canadians here, but your immigration laws blow. I tried to get landed immigrant status, with my mom already being a landed immigrant, and my stepdad being a citizen, and being sponsored by them. We thought it would be a breeze. But nope. They sure didn't seem to mind taking my money for applying. Of course if I had floated ashore on an inner tube I would have been given work, food, money, and shelter. Gimme a break... When did Canada become so tight with people immigrating?!? You beaurocrats there at the consolate can take your thumb and your Canadian peso and stuff it up your maple leaf piehole...
Resentfully yours,
I have been on Vancouver Island, British Columbia,for about the last year, but am moving back to Phoenix, AZ where I came from in about two weeks....
warning !.
the following "dictionary" may be very discomforting to true believers of jehovah's organization.
if you ask too many questions about these things you are told " jehovah will make it all clear in time.
To anyone who may be interested:
A while back my dad wrote just such a glossary. It's a fairly extensive listing of the jargon and terminology used within the society. The only differnce is that the tone is one in favor of the WTBS, which he is as an active member of 30 years. However, it still makes some interesting reading. You might want to see his comments on "Light" and "Apostasy".
here's her picture!.
this summer i will spend a lot of my free time aboard her, even my local pub carries her name, the waverley.
now tell me, is sailing on a fine old paddler like this better than sunday afternoons at the watchtower study?.
As I recall, this slow walk you are talking about was always referred to in my corner of the world as the "pioneer shuffle"...
hey y'all,.
this joke comes to me by way of my fine sister, patio (a prime poster here i might add) who is older than me by three years, smarter, more articulate, but lacking in sufficient sarcasm.
she is really my sister and i have the childhood battle scars to prove it.
Thank you thank you thank you.....
That was great...gotta forward it!!!
I'm not personally, but my whole family is. Grandpa played in Chicago Symphony for 15 years as Assistant Principal violist, dad grew up in Wilmette (I think I got that right?) and mom is from Evanston. I have only been to that city a couple of times, but it is definitley a great place to be! The only family left there now is a Grandma in Evanston, and an uncle who goes there in the summer to play cello in the Grant Park Orchestra for summer concerts...
like ellie mae, i just love kritters.. this is one of my best little friends.. here's me teasing her and 'faking her out' .... .
then i really give her just one peanut .... .
and looks what it leads to .... .
Looks like someone has it made!! Very cool, thanks for sharing...