All talk of "speaking in the Name of God" is absurd if God is perceived as a Ninny or a Tyrant.
The belief in God, I think, has more to do with accountability for effects (of cause-and-effect relations) in time than it does with any particular form of organization.
Hierarchy is typically a very bad and very destructive form of non-consensual governance in which a few Elites cop off with everything; and most are slaves.
WTBTS is a perfect example of Elites copping off with everything, leaving the members to founder.
YET--Humans who prey on others, or who parasite off society must be corrected, somehow, some way or other. Or society goes nuts.
Organized Religion attempt to do this by connecting mankind's "freewill" into a God-paradigm in which judgments about effects REGULARLY OCCUR.
Atheists and agnostics seem particularly resistent to being held accountable for HARM they CAUSE and undue costs they produce upon the innocent and naive.
The epistles of Paul EXCUSE ALL CHRISTIANS from all necessity to pursue Law-ful behavior; so in effect, Paul let the wolves loose again.
In the Urantia Book model, God remains silently in the background because mankind is learning how to treat each other and treat the planet with care.
In reality, neither of these objectives has been met by civil society in this era and time. In fact, Mankind is a bunch of war-profiting polluters and not-see hangers-on.
So, what now?