This was some of the most blatant , aggressive , controlling information I've seen in awhile in the " Witness only " version of the WT. Of course, it's always blatant, but the manner that was used in this article was so authoritative and demanding - it's apparent the WT society is losing members and they are amping up the control tactics to keep members trapped.
The article in discussion is on pg. 25 titled, " Are You Known By Jehovah ? " It talks about " waiting on Jehovah " for your normal desires. In paragraph 8 it states, " Marriage, having children, and good health are all natural and appropriate desires. For many , though , one or more of those desires may go unfulfilled . " Paragraph 9 continues, " How unwise it would be to seek to fulfill these desires in a way contrary to godly wisdom. That would be to one's spiritual detriment. Some, for instance, have chosen forms of health care that conflict with Jehovah's counsel. Others have taken on employment that keeps them away from their families or congregation meetings. Or what of developing a romantic relationship with an unbeliever ? If a Christian follows such a course, is he truly seeking to be KNOWN BY JEHOVAH ? How would Jehovah have felt if Abraham had become IMPATIENT about the fulfillment of God's promises to him ? " Translation : WT society knows you have normal desires , but those desires are wrong if you don't pursue them the way the WT society tells you to pursue them. Remember the alleged " faithful slave " knows best.
Then the WT society tightens the control by telling JW's not to question their authority. In paragraph 12 & 13 it uses Korah & Moses as negative & positive examples . It states, " While the nation of Israel was en route to the promised land, Korah perceived what he imagined to be problems in God's arrangement. By the end of the next day, Korah and all those who had sided with him in rebellion were dead. In contrast, Moses was " by far the meekest of all men who were upon the surface of the ground . " There is no indication that Moses often QUESTIONED Jehovah's way of doing things or got ANNOYED at having to follow procedures that Jehovah set out . Translation : If Moses didn't complain or question authority, who are WE to question authority ? If we IMAGINE there are problems in God's organization - we could wind up dead like Korah ! More use of fear mongering to scare Witnesses into obeying the WT society.
Then there's this quote in paragraph 13, " If a human overseer in God's organization provides you with instructions that seem extremely detailed, you might at times feel frustrated. Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer, who delegates generously and TRUSTS his servants. When he gives many details, he does so for good reason. Take note, though, that Moses did not become irritated with Jehovah for giving that level of detail , as if Jehovah were DEMEANING him or STIFLING his creativity or FREEDOM. " Translation : If Jehovah trusts the elders you as JW's should too. If elders get too detailed they have good reason for it in counseling you. Trust them. Don't question it. They aren't taking away your freedom, you are just IMAGINING they are.
Then comes the deciding point the WT society is trying to make in paragraph 15 & 16. It states, " How WE REACT to adjustments in the worldwide Christian congregation and decisions made by those taking the lead in it HAS A BEARING on our being KNOWN by Jehovah. That account provides a SERIOUS WARNING for elders and others in the congregation today. Waiting on Jehovah and FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS from those appointed to take the lead requires humility. Can we acknowledge the position of those taking the lead among us and SUBMIT to directions we receive ? Are we able to rise above our PERSONAL FEELINGS when faced with disappointments ? " Translation : If you as Witnesses DO NOT react well to adjustments by the WT society you may not even be known by Jehovah. He'll disown you. It's a serious warning which you need to follow. Your PERSONAL FEELINGS don't really matter in how you view the directions- you just need to follow the directions as instructed.
Is it just me- or is this organization becoming more dictatorial ? The WT society must be feeling pressure of losing more and more members so they feel by browbeating and overstating their authority that Witnesses ill be intimidated into caving in to that authority through fear mongering. Personally I feel it's unethical, barbaric, and an abuse of power to control 7 million people this way. What say you folks ? As always I look forward to your opinions. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper