Happy Birthday, Kristen, and many happy returns! Ditto for you Angie!
Thanks for the mental picture, looks like everyone had fun.
my first birthday celebration.
by kristen 4/5/01.
having been brought up in the organization since age 3, the only memory of a birthday celebration i had was an old photograph of when i was 2. in front of the camera was my sister and i, with a cake baked in a regular rectangle cake pan, frosted, and with two candles sitting on top.
Happy Birthday, Kristen, and many happy returns! Ditto for you Angie!
Thanks for the mental picture, looks like everyone had fun.
just wanted know if anyone has info on their bloodcard, is there a new one.
did"t they just get a new one some yrs back.
i know our family kept ours for yrs, hoping we never had to use it> what a terrible card to carry ....a killing card........regards nojw
Hi nojw86,
You can find scanned copies of the medical directive on this site http://www.ajwrb.org/
yesterday afternoon the phone rang, and the voice of my 81 year old grandmother met my husband's.
if i could just drop off an invitation to the memorial for you and justin, it's next week you know...".
Hiya Es,
You have mail.
Tough call on the "Grandma situation". Don't know what I would have done in that situation.
Did like the answering machine to fend off the undermining, oh I meant good intentioned (no I didn't), relatives. IMO, they have no say on how your daughter spends the evening of April 8th.
I had no thought of going to the Memorial, don't need to help inflate those numbers, but I did toy with the idea of going with the hubby to a Sunday meeting two weeks ago. The kids spent Sat. night at my dad's, so I could have gone without involving them, just to stir up the gossip down there at the KH. But, alas, the hubby and I found, ahem, other things to do....
i spoke with my sister last night back in ny about this whole jw thing.
(she is da'd).
we were discussing my pregnancy and the fact that my mom hasn't even bothered to say anything except for the fact that since i'm 'inactive with doubts' the baby would die at armegeddon anyway.
Hi Lisa,
Wow. When I read family responses like this one, I'm just astounded, no, astounded doesn't even begin to describe what I feel.
Is there a religion that could make you emotionally abandon your child?
Congrats again on you wonderful news. I thought of you and your allergies this weekend. Weird, you say? Nah, I have a head cold and as I swallowed down some medication to bring blessed relief, I thought how pregnant moms have to restrict the medicine they take. I know the wimpy stuff I was allowed to take didn't cut it, poor Lisa.
...or did you shred the shit out of em so even the garbage man wouldnt become accidentally sucked into this cult like i did?
during the time i read crisis of conscience i went into a two week long rage.
i was angry all the time for being duped and i hated every witness on the planet, mostly for being as stupid as i was, and the upper echelon at the society...i just wanted to castrate them.
I threw the magazines in my recycle bin, mixed in with the newspapers. Kinda worried a little, for the same reason of not wanting to be responsible for another family's agony, but I've seen the collectors make their rounds and they are too busy tossing the stuff in to pay too close attention to what's there.
Just doing my part to counter the environmental destruction, hug a tree and all that.
Can't wait for the day when all the WT literature in my house can go out to the curb.
march 29, 2001.
by the associated press.
filed at 2:52 a.m. et.
Like I heard before, you need a license to drive a car, you need a license to catch a fish or get married, but any #@$&!!! with a functioning reproductive system can have a kid. Kinda makes one wonder about the value society places on children.
Since these people are so "Biblical" how about they get to stand in front of the church while someone 2, 3, 4 times their size beats the crap outta them, I believe that's called "an eye for an eye".
Twisted excuses for human beings, and no I will not call them sick, I wouldn't allow them that legal out for this cruelty.
Those poor, poor babies...
bbbowen" < [email protected]>.
from: "bbbowen" < [email protected]> | block address | add to address book.
subject: why did you do this??.
bbbowen" < [email protected]>
From: "bbbowen" < [email protected]> | Block Address | Add to Address Book
To: < [email protected]>
Subject: why did you do this??
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 20:40:35 -0600
I examined the "to:" line, and it only addresses stephenw20.
I read the body of the email, and no where within do I find consent to post it on a public forum. In fact, I see a request to stop making additional information public, key word: additional. Yes, it is his fight and he has determined what he wants to make public, without you imposing your conscience upon him.
a confidence can only be entered into when two people know each other
Really? Okay, I (and hopefully others here) will keep that in mind before attempting any private dialogue with you, ie. email. Rationalize all you want, but a breach of netiquette, and common courtesy was made.
bbbowen" < [email protected]>.
from: "bbbowen" < [email protected]> | block address | add to address book.
subject: why did you do this??.
Does any one see any thing funny here
Yes. I see that you have taken a private correspondence and made it public without the consent of the other individual. How crass.
some people say cats never have to be bathed.
they say cats lick.
themselves clean.
OMG! That was so funny, I'm laughing like a maniac here at work, it's only a matter of time before one of my co-workers call the people in the little white coats. I'll dodge institutionalization by saying I was choking on my lunch, and berate them for not providing the proper medical attention.
I have two cats whose bath times have come, okay they are 2 years overdue, but I haven't worked up the intestinal fortitude necessary for the procedure.
Thanks for the huge belly laugh (ow!),
i've been contacted by someone who is in a pretty desperate battle for custody with their jw ex.. this person needs advice from anyone who has been in this situation and managed to win, especially.
information about dealing with appelate courts and how to select competant legal counsel.. this is a time sensitive situation and i just don't have the information/experience necessary to help this person.. yet they've turned to me for help, so i have to avail upon all of you now to give any kind assistance.
that you can.. if you are willing to correspond with this person, please let me know here, or e mail me and i will .
Hi Es,
MacGreggor Ministries http://www.macgregorministries.org/ has a custody package available. No idea on how fast one can get it into their hands though.