Greetings to the Emperor,
So as it was said, so let it be written, so let it be done.
Our one common link is being one of Jehovah's Witnesses - and walking away for good reasons. No exceptions.
I was never a JW, I walked away from the "bible" study I participated in with my husband, can that count? :)
Let's quick summary:
Met a super-terrific guy, first love and all of those romantic things. Dated, got engaged, found out what religion he was raised in. Went to my first memorial, in Spanish, which went beyond the classes I had in school. Thought it was weird, esp. when my sweetie said that since we were engaged we could sit next to each other, but since I couldn't understand much beyond "con much gusto", it didn't leave too much of an impression on me.
Married in a civil ceremony, and since he had joined the military a year prior, off from our hometown we went. Except for memorial attendance, to which I would very grudgingly go to, religion was not an issue in our family. (His mom would phone to let us know when it was, so we couldn't forget.)
Fast forward a few years, moved back to our hometown, have two young kids, and religion became a major issue. Tried taking kids to both places of worship, I started attending the KH more, because I was lonely on "his" Sundays and the next thing I know he has arranged a "bible" study for the both of us. Participated in that for about 9 mos or so (it's getting fuzzy, probably self-induced amnesia), going so very painfully slow through the book, before I clicked on Freeminds (Thanks Randy!) out of the blue one day and I started reading there. I refused to attend the KH or the study any longer, while he dived further into the organization.
He was baptized at the end of 1999, telling me a day and a half before the event--I had just made my first post on the old H2O the day before. Lotsa turmoil for a while there, but I think things are smoothing out, well between us anyways. Matters between him and his JW family (mom, sis, and her family) are yet to be determined, as he is becoming increasingly inactive and trying to fade away.
That's it, oh except for my age, which I notice people are terribly fond of indicating in this thread, it's 32.
Hello to all the newbies here too, I'm a junior member, which I presume is a lot like being a butter-bar lieutenant who thinks they are all of that--which is annoying to those who truly are. Don't despair, 20 posts and you're a jr. member too.
That's all for now, time for me to meddle in some other thread.