Q:Ok look, you said gave detailed instructions on how to get info from this number but yet you were surprised that this was the number for the public information office. You also pointed out that all JWs would be familiar with that number. Which is it? Help me, man....
Yes I was surprised that this a "public" number(every one of them knew that) gave it to her and led her to believe that it was a hotline number especially for describing Bill Bowen, they were pulling her chain.
I stand corrected , most JWS are familiar with that number.keep in mind Danni is not a Jehovah's Witness.
Q:I am very curious about the questions and answer session. What kind of questions were asked? Did the two families leave before the questions were asked? How did you know these guys were going to leave anyway. Did you speak to them about your feelings? Did you mention this website to them since you said that you've been coming here for months?
Because there were so many questions asked I won't go into detail on every question asked. The most important (IMO) was what made the Brothers so angry in the back rooms.
To answer the second part: I believe I already said, that they got up and left out when the Brothers began to plot that if the press got hold of the story they would make it look as if the police came in there started a fight which almost caused one of the brothers to have a heartattack. (They didn't say it in those exact words but it was plain what they were ploting)
You can go back and check if you like.
Yes we spoke the same day they didn't want to be part of the ploting. They didn't like the dishonest way they were handling things etc...
I knew they were going to leave because they were having doubts about certian doctrines being taught that couldn't be proven with scriptures. Not only that but they were dropping off with meeting attendence and field service, just little things like that let us know they were not going to stick around much longer. They never acted before I suppose they were looking for the right time.
Q:You still didn't answer the question about where you got the phone number. I have a hard time believing that you were in the main hall with over 200 others and heard the words of the conversation clearly much less the phone number over a speakerphone. Did you have your ear to the door? Just trying to clarify because it sounds a little "out there"
I don't know when the last time you attened a meeting but we don't talk that loud durning any study. There were over 200 of us in there but when the fighting started you could hear everything being said because they were SCREAMING not talking ,we are talking about four grown men screaming at the top of their lungs (IMO) and a woman.
Danni did point out that she spoke about Bill just before she left the meeting. At that time the fighthing was not behind closed doors it was in the opening, I and a few others were close enough to hear that conversation about Bill Bowen they wanted us to hear it. They want Bill placed in the worse light they can put him in. If GB fail to put Bill in a negative light it could result in more Witnesses listening to him and takeing a stand with him they don't want this to happen believe it or not.
There's a lot that Danni didn't tell in her theard. You can ask her to clarify things about how loud the speaker phone was.
your quote:I am not attacking you. I am merely asking some questions because these things are causing me to have some doubts. Help me out man. I am not your enemy.
I never said, you were my enemy I am doing the best I can to answer your questions. They may not be the answer you want but they are true.