If you spelled that without googling it first - I'm quite impressed Oubliette, but as an eleutheromaniac I'm free of paraskevidekatriaphobia
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
Happy Friday the 13th!
by wearewatchingyouman inanybody have any plans to chase black cats under ladders while breaking mirrors and spilling salt?.
Happy Friday the 13th!
by wearewatchingyouman inanybody have any plans to chase black cats under ladders while breaking mirrors and spilling salt?.
Anybody have any plans to chase black cats under ladders while breaking mirrors and spilling salt?
Compare Scientology's super power building and Watchtower Headquaters
by Scott77 inthis weekend, 15 years after work began, the church of scientologyopened its new "super power building", complete with time machine a mediterranean revival-style palace in clearwater, florida..... http://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2013/nov/19/inside-scientology-new-cathedral-church-religion?cmp=fb_gu .
please, what do you think about the comparision?
who would be winner?.
Mormons have the coolest buildings. Hands down. JW's and Scientoligists can't hold a candle to their temples. I think it's a side effect of the magical underwear
Attempt to get your mind around this-The Universe is just a hologram
by fulltimestudent inhttp://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/physicists-discover-clearest-evidence-yet-that-the-universe-is-a-hologram-9000748.html.
physicists discover 'clearest evidence yet' that the universe is a hologram.
latest calculations chime with 1997 theory that reality is only perceived as 3d and is actually a 2d projection on the boundary of the universe.
It's all an illusion dude
Have you ever had a hallucination? What was it like?
by Nathan Natas ini have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
I've hallucinated many times. The first time I was 22. I was praying and meditating daily at the time. I was eating extremely clean. After praying for an hour I was envelopesd by a warm light that seemed to be and come from everywhere, but slowly crept from the corners of the walls in until it wrapped me up.. Kind of like being in a womb of light, but the light was alive and seemed to be a concious being at times. I was basically giving myself over to God(whatever that is) letting it know that I would do whatever it wanted me to if it woud just let me know what that was when the experience began. The light seemed to speak telepathically. It just said "Do as I've told you to do my son" Over and over and over. I remember trying to ask what that meant but I couldn't get through the train of thought before being interrupted by that phrase. Once I stopped trying to interupt and ask questions, and just said okay it crept back and was gone.
I spent the next 5-7 years of my life trying to figure out what the heck happened there. What that phrase was supposed to mean. What God "has told me to do" I never recieved a specific answer answer and never could recreate the experience. I tried dillegently to get the next clue. Both through sober meditation and every hallucinogenic drug/plant/fungus imaginable (I never experimented with hallucinogenics before the experience).
Through much research I've come to the conclusion it was either an OBE brought on by an extremely emotionally vulnerable state or an angel that felt the need to confuse the hell out of me... lol. Either way I'm cool with it. It was an experience that led me down a path of personal discovery and open mindedness. I sure as heck wish it'd happen again though. It was way better than any of the drugs I've tried
Jude 22-25 JW apologists and anybody else.
by wearewatchingyouman in22 also, continue showing mercy+ to some who have doubts;+23 save them+ by snatching them out of the fire.
but continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.+24 now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished+ in the sight of his glory* with great joy,25 to the only god our savior through jesus christ our lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity.
so, then - why does the gb separate those who become doubtful out of fear they will stumble some?
"it was necessary for them to distinguish between those eligible for mercy and the ‘dreamers.’"
Where do they get this sh!t from?
It specifically states that some can be saved, "but CONTINUE showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh."
Christmas presents--"We get things all year"??
by WTWizard ini have heard that line of rubbish more times from the platform, especially around this time of year.
yet, given the number of children with few or no toys, about 90% of the time, they get little or nothing year round.
sometimes it is because of poverty, often induced because the parents are supposed to cut back on their work and pious-sneer or donate excessive amounts to the worldwide pedophile defense fund (or both).
Beautifully put JWDaughter!
Jude 22-25 JW apologists and anybody else.
by wearewatchingyouman in22 also, continue showing mercy+ to some who have doubts;+23 save them+ by snatching them out of the fire.
but continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.+24 now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished+ in the sight of his glory* with great joy,25 to the only god our savior through jesus christ our lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity.
so, then - why does the gb separate those who become doubtful out of fear they will stumble some?
"The NT book of 2 Peter, which was written by a disciple of Paul in the middle of the 2nd century (about 140 CE), wrote it as a commentary on the book of Jude."
That assertion is very debatable. See Wallace's Petrine Priority.
Very good points on how the WBTS outlines their articles however!
Jude 22-25 JW apologists and anybody else.
by wearewatchingyouman in22 also, continue showing mercy+ to some who have doubts;+23 save them+ by snatching them out of the fire.
but continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.+24 now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished+ in the sight of his glory* with great joy,25 to the only god our savior through jesus christ our lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity.
so, then - why does the gb separate those who become doubtful out of fear they will stumble some?
For those who are interested "mercy" is Strong's Concordance G1653 ἐλεάω (eleew):
1) to have mercy on
2) to help one afflicted or seeking aid
3) to help the afflicted, to bring help to the wretched
4) to experience mercy -
Christmas presents--"We get things all year"??
by WTWizard ini have heard that line of rubbish more times from the platform, especially around this time of year.
yet, given the number of children with few or no toys, about 90% of the time, they get little or nothing year round.
sometimes it is because of poverty, often induced because the parents are supposed to cut back on their work and pious-sneer or donate excessive amounts to the worldwide pedophile defense fund (or both).
i always got presents year round, and yes my dad and stepmom's Anniversary was always a time for the kids to recieve gifts too. The whole "not getting presents on Xmas" thing never bothered me, because I truly did get presents all year round from my family. I just hated being the kid doing the alternative craft, paper etc. around the holidays in Elementary/Jr. High.