That was the best game ever. I love seeing Brazil cry. Now to see that wanker Messi do the same.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
The world cup
by Laika in4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
Your body is a temple
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy not smoke, do drugs, drink excessively etc.
well because your body is a temple you see.. .
what is a temple?
hahahahaha. What good is a temple if God can't reside there? If the Kingdom of God can't be within you, what sense does it make for your body to be a temple for God?
Your body is a temple
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy not smoke, do drugs, drink excessively etc.
well because your body is a temple you see.. .
what is a temple?
Why not smoke, do drugs, drink excessively etc. etc. etc.???
Well because your body is a temple you see.
What is a temple? Is it not a place, biblically speaking, where man and God communicate on earth?
Well, well,....... uuuuummmmmmm.... well, ummmmmmmmmm.
Do you "believe" differently from what you "know"?
by compound complex ingreetings, all those still searching, still wondering .
.. in one of many faith-related books i have read, i recall the author declaring that there's a difference between what we know and what we believe.
while i cannot recall the author nor his commentary, i acknowledge that, while i do know ttatt and that the bible in not without error, yet there's a part of me deep inside that holds onto the so-called spiritual.. how is it for you personally as you make the transition from the invisible to the visible?
I like to describe my spirituality as Agnostic Theism. While the rational side of me says there's no way that God exists, I still believe one does. Isn't God supposed to be this unkowable, unfathomable entity anyway? I mean who am I, or any human for that matter, with my feeble little brain to try and say who/what God is, if It exists, and what It wants from us? Seems to me that if It wanted us to know It would have made it a hell of a lot clearer and easier to figure out. That or the whole point is just to keep searching, asking and praying until our each individual tuth is revealed. So that's what I do. I believe it's referred to as faith.
Another possible reason why GB demoted Pastor Russell from the FDS.
by donuthole inin barbara anderson's research for the proclaimers book she was tasked with identifying the faithful & discreet slave throughout history.
the idea was the watchtower could identify a line of kingdom proclaimers from the days of the apostles.
she was not able to do this with the established criteria, that the individual had to adhere to the basic doctrinal beliefs seperating jw's from "false religion".. it seems that governing body would now agree.
Interesting, because in December of 1919, the "first faithful slave" published that he was the first Faithful and Wise Servant.
"Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was giving to the Household of Faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation," (Watchtower, Dec. 1, 1919, p. 357)
38 getting out of hand
by Gorbatchov init seems the watchtower staff have made a runaway train with the introduction of the mark the combination of using a gadget driven platform and the fact that the common jw is low educated and easely influenced.
by new occurrings in their religion makes the situation getting out of hand.. proof: gb members wearing buttons during their speech, gifts with are given away, umbrellas with the are available. is more important then god, his son and the gospel.. it's the gadget and the mark that counts.. i am so happy my grandparents are not confronted with these idiots.. it's a runaway train heading to the end of the track.. gorby .
The many transgressions of the WBTS are becoming more well known. It's only a matter of time before a hacking group goes on a moral crusade against the society. In fact, if I was an x-JW activist, a group such as Anonymous is exactly who I'd be lobbying to join my crusade. It is the most effective way to effect damage on the Borg these days, but of course I would never suggest or condone this activity. It is dangerous and illegal, thus the reason why I'm not an activist.
The Society is no longer printing hardcover books.
by kneehighmiah inletter read that the society will no longer be making hardcover books.
also the told people to not place orders for daily texts or calendars if they had the ability to download these.
who downloads a calendar?
The Society is no longer printing hardcover books.
by kneehighmiah inletter read that the society will no longer be making hardcover books.
also the told people to not place orders for daily texts or calendars if they had the ability to download these.
who downloads a calendar?
I don't see what the big deal is. They're a printing company in a time where the printed page is dying. They're just doing what any other corporation in their position would do - Evolve. It's no secret where the money is going. New technology, more real estate and continuing legal battles.
JW Kids Who Lack Sincerity: Are You In The Flipping Truth Or Not?
by Apognophos indid any of you know a jw youth who didn't seem to really even try to be sincere about the "truth"?
not someone who led a double life while pretending to be a goody-goody jw.
i mean the kind of kid who went to the meetings and did field service while making minimal effort at maintaining a pretense of being a true believer?.
This was pretty much me to a T in my teenage years. I went to meetings and out in service because it was my duty to obey my father as to not jeopardize his position in the congregation as an elder. I made no bones about the fact that I didn't really believe any of it though. I was never even an upbaptised publisher. I was on the school 'cause I enjoyed public speaking, though my talks weren't like most. The last talk I ever gave I took the mic off the stand and walked back and forth on the stage. The brothers had no idea what to do with this, and I was never given another part. 'Tis what it 'tis. Some of us were able to play the part of a JW child, while at the same time not believing, without being total hypocrites.
If I asked for a loan from the WBTS would they give it to me?
by objectivetruth inif this were the "organization" that jesus chose in 1914.. err 1919, wouldn't the principles that he laid out while on earth apply to this organization as well?.
matthew 5:42 "give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.".
so if jw's all asked for loans from the org, every now and then, it would be the orgs responsibility to grant those loans (interest free).
This would be the best way to DA yourself. Write a letter stating the above scripture and begging to borrow $5000 dollars because you need a new car in order that you can pioneer. When they refuse in writing give the letter as reason for your DA as you can't fathom how Jehovah's earthly organization doesn't follow Jesus' basic teachings.