Pelican Beach - If Jehovah isn't a truck driver, how did all those Silver Swords miraculously end up in the hands of all the JW's? Surely there must have been some kind of divine intervention.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
TTATT family blow out
by redvip2000 infor those of you who have a minute to read this, here is a report from my family trip.. i was in florida for the holidays visiting my older sister and family, along with my parents which were also visiting.. although i've had conversations with my mother about the organization, my sister and her family had no idea of my position in regards to the (un)truth - perhaps because we live far away from each other.
i knew the day was coming.... on my second day there, the whole family was sitting around bs-ing about different stuff, and as usual my mother starts with the "world is getting worse by the day" conversation, followed by approving nods and smart remarks from the rest of the family.
i then politely told them that this was not true, that in fact the world has never been better.
Good stuff. I love these little family discussions. They used to be the highlight of every family get together I was invited to. For a few years many of my family members would even prepare for my visits. After years and years of me burying them in debates they rarely bring stuff up anymore.
A couple months ago I casually brought up in after dinner conversation, "So, what's the newest light on the generations thing these days." It was met with grumblings from almost everyone. Luckily we had a new addition to the family recently. She's a cute little firecracker, a CO's daughter, who recently married my cousin. She responded so proudly with, "Well, the generations are now understood to be the generations of wicked people." I laughed. Her husband quickly hushed her and explained conescendingly that was a couple lightbulbs ago. I let the conversation end there as I could tell she was embarressed, and I didn't want to make her feel worse.
Closed WT Branches list.
by Hecce inone of the friends at extj forum provided this list of wt branches that have been closed so far, there is also a mention that two large ones are in the process of being dismantled, they are spain and argentina.
posted for informational purposes and it seems to be accurate.. thanks for reading.
1) alaska.
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism is Going Down
by Emma ingood news, found on
i particularly like points three and four..
Yep. Signs of the times. Armageddon is right around the corner for sure! There is no way Jehovah will let this debauchery continue.
Who are the real WT puppet masters ?
by cookiemaster ina few days ago i posted my estimations about how much the wt actually makes a year.
you guys were all really helpful and provided a lot of useful info.
a good estimate would be 2-3 billion dollars a year.
Who are the real WT puppet masters?
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
I think we should look at this one just once more as it absoloutely buries any doubt that the WTS believes, and teaches, that Elders are appointed by Holy Spirit, and not just the the Holy Spirit that inspired the writing of the Scriptures:
Our Leader uses this Governing Body to appoint qualified men - whether spirit-anointed or not - as elders in the local congregations. In this regard, the holy spirit, which Jehovah has given Jesus authority to employ, plays a pivotal role. (Acts 2:32, 33) First of all, these overseers must meet the requirements set out in God's Word, which was inspired by holy spirit. (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 2 Peter 1:20, 21) The recommendations and appointments are made after prayer and under the guidance of the holy spirit. Additionally, the individuals appointed give evidence of producing the fruitage of that spirit. How reassuring to know that Jesus Christ provides leadership to his disciples today through the Governing Body, the holy spirit, and the angels!" Watchtower 2002 Mar 15 p.14
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
It simply means that they are following the Bibles the direction
LMFAO! Man, do you guys love to twist this stuff. Let's look at the last quote highlighted:
With the help of the holy spirit AND the inspired Scriptures, they share with local elders in recommending qualified brothers for appointment as ministerial servants and elders by the Governing Body or by its representatives.
If it simply means that they are following the bible's direction, Why the need to separate the Holy Spirit's guidance from the guidance of the inspired Scriptures? It doesn't say, "With the help of the holy spirit inspired Scriptures." It makes a definite distinction as to being guided by the "Holy Spirit AND the inspired Scriptures."
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
Of course they have to meet the biblical requirements first. That is how they qualify for a recommendation. The Holy Spirit comes into play when the recommendations are approved by the BOE, "Mother" and/or her direct representatives at the branch. Don't cherrypick my friend. It's you who is not looking at the whole picture. It's clear as day.