LOL funkyderek, I love the word play game. That was quite good!
How's this, if you were god, how could you disprove that there wasn't a 'super-god'?
the other day, i was messaged by a young jw guy (using yahoo messenger, where i am breezyone2001; chat me up, gang!).
his opening line to me was, "why are you attacking the witnesses?
" i responded by asking him in what way i was attacking the witnesses, and he said that he saw my name in a yahoo club for ex-jw's.
LOL funkyderek, I love the word play game. That was quite good!
How's this, if you were god, how could you disprove that there wasn't a 'super-god'?
i wrote a letter to the society months ago asking for a subscription.
it's been so long that i forgot all about it.
LOL, It's your fault for posting those 'sultry eyes' pictures ... I can't concentrate on what you're saying!!!
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
Jem, to post here you'd need to scan it into JPG (or similar) graphics format. Then place that JPG (or whatever) file on a web site somewhere, then provide the link here. If you do not have a web site to put it on, I'm sure someone here might have space to put it.
i read that term a few times when i was reading xjw sites.. my question is what is theocratic warfare?.
i like to read any example of it as well as other descriptions or any of your experiences.. .
Uh-huh, I thought so Scully. And isn't the Insight book 'current new light'? I guess if they want this particular light bulb to burn out they'll need a new Aid, opps, Insight book. Better get crackin' up there boys - STOP READING THIS FORUM AND GET TO WROK SLACKERS!
You have 'new new light' to print! (But not in hardback - that costs too much)
just a quick thought - i am a firm believer in freedom of speech etc, but having been on this forum for some time i honestly can't say that i can introduce a doubting jw interested in true christianity to this board.
some of the deep discussions on jw doctrine are excellent, but everything else seems to be nonsense in my opinion.
why can't this site be more like the old which seemed to have more spiritual meat rather than backbiting, gossip, and rumour and even obscenity.. sorry for my frank opinion
So basically you've made up whatever you feel like to explain away the bible. For example, Noah's flood = local. That's NOT what the bible says. But you beleive whatever you want, it's no matter to me.
"This does not sound like the God of love, justice and mercy I worship."
And therein lies the rub - there are as many god's as there are people, since each person creates an image of 'god' in their mind. SO god is different to everyone. That's NOT the god the JW's worship. Nor the one's the Catholics do, for example.
And as for reading the bible for answers, it's QUITE clear that that book has been a very unreliable guide - once again, there are as many 'interpretations' of the bible are there are people reading it. You read it and get one thing, I read it and get something else. And obviously, since when I read it 'god' doesn't 'talk' to me then
Me = 'bad person'
Sorry. Not buying that poison anymore.
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
Jemimah, if you had the outline, was the part about 'making your own mind up' in there? If so would you see it as a 'society covering it's ass' clause so they could say to (forget the media!) COURTS that 'we never forced the JWs to sign these'?
just a quick thought - i am a firm believer in freedom of speech etc, but having been on this forum for some time i honestly can't say that i can introduce a doubting jw interested in true christianity to this board.
some of the deep discussions on jw doctrine are excellent, but everything else seems to be nonsense in my opinion.
why can't this site be more like the old which seemed to have more spiritual meat rather than backbiting, gossip, and rumour and even obscenity.. sorry for my frank opinion
I take such offence to statements like this ...
"You say that to you this does not seem right or fair. But I think it is both. For I believe God has chosen to reveal Himself fully only to those who very much want to know Him, and very much want to live righteous lives. I believe that all those who really do, demonstrate these great desires by extending much effort in their quest to know God. "
There are so MANY who have ripped their hearts out seeking a god to guide them. They've prayed, prayed, and prayed some more. And what do they get? Nothing! Unless they're schitzo and hear voices. But woe to the logical man who honestly looks at every side of the story and chooses not to suspend logical thinking so as to justify the bible's many, many contraditions and just plain lunatic ideas. I guess god doesn't speak to those people. Or it's their fault for not being faithful.
And I don't buy your idea re: other non-christain religions. If you go by the bible, that 'god' does NOT tolerate other gods - so all those billions are doomed for the simple fact of not having been born in a 'christain' nation. Bullshit!
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
I was speaking about Lee's comment of "There is more to this story than meets the eye." - I'd love a bit of ammo to go to the parents and tell them a certain change is coming. Knowing about it before they do would be an eye-opener for sure. Funny how the apostates know more about the JWs then they do!
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! Why is all the 'good stuff' always a secrect?
I wish I could call my parents and tell them 'new light' was about to flash forth
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
DIM, that seems to me to the best plan, if you have the time, etc - it avoids the problems of tainted blood. But, to those that proclaim what a wonderful protection the JW no-blood stance is, consider that you can get lot's of contaminated things at a hospital - not just blood - it's part of the risk. So to take that attitude, one would have to avoid all medical treatment. You simply have to consider if the risks outweight the benefits.