My explanation on why this is a big deal Fleaman:
Imagine you are the oldest of four brothers. The youngest brother is 15 years younger than you and 10 years younger than the third eldest. You grew up in the strictest of households. You couldnt go out, you couldnt play video games, you had to keep an all A average or suffer very harsh consequences, you couldnt listen to any kind of hard rock or know, the typical cliche strict home.
At age 18 you got the hell out of dodge! You rarely kept in touch with your parents because of the abuse and continued insults. Your other brothers share the same kind of relationship with the parents. You are now 30, and third eldest is 25, youngest is now 15.
He is now in a completely different house hold than you and the other brothers grew up in. He goes out, parties, has girlfriends, talks back...yada yada yada, he is a brat! Parents have very little control over him except that they provide for him so, he has to just do enough to keep his comfort level secure.
Although you should be happy for the youngest since he is enjoying his life so much more than you did and he is taking complete advantage of his youth with little to no fear, you secretely hate him for it. You are pissed because why didnt you get to have the same things?! Why were they so hard on you but not on him?! Its not fair!!!
We are only human. Here on this site many of us want nothing more than to see the implosion of this religion, maybe all religions. Even though it would cost the sanity and comfort of millions of people, we want to see this org and its leaders fall flat on their faces.
We went through hell or are still going through hell because them. Secretly, however, we wonder why wasnt this the religion I grew up in? Why do they get to have a social club and we didnt? Instead, we had the strictest, prudest and fear inducing religion we could imagine. We were in a totally different kind of cult, not the shiny happy people we see now.
We should be happy that perhaps these present and future Jdubs may not need to deal with the shit we had to. Maybe they will enjoy more freedom in the future.
BUT F THAT SH#$!! I HOPE THEY ALL SUFFER LIKE I DID!!! haha...j/ im not :)