Thanks. I don't even have a flippin' god belief of my own [I'm an agnostic]. But it just seems like mostly a bunch of either, dishonest or ill informed, communication to me. (I'm not even saying it is, just that it seems so, to me... A scrabble to win a debate that's not even happening and to beat a dead horse that nobody's even trying to ride)
It's boring repeating points that people quite intelligent enough to understand, are pretending have not been made. [Take vivs LOLtastic response above, a perfect example... "U r dum so i iz rite"]
You may enjoy the youtube videos of the guy I posted before. He was raised a jdub by an unbaptised mother, but he's a philosophy something or other, I forget what.He's a strong atheist, but it intellectually honest and there are some good exchanges in the youtube comments where he is challenged on his opinions... and responds... Honestly.
Anyways, thanks for the shoutout. I'm done here.