Does God Exist? / Who is God? These are Questions which Lead nowhere. What is God Like, is the Correct Question.

by LAWHFol 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LAWHFol
    There are 2 Questions that generate more Pain,Suffering & Death, than any other question in existence.
    These 2 questions are :
    1. "Does God Exist?"
    2. "Who is God"?
    There is another question, that can bring Peace & Harmony, instead of Hatred & Pride.. This question is "What is God like".

    When the answer to "What is God like" is properly understood, the other two questions will lose their relevance. We're not asking "Who God is" we're asking what is He/She/It Like... For this reason we can substitute God with "Universe","Evolution","Nature". The question can be asked like this.. "What is the Universe | God | Nature like?"

    There is a Current Thread entitled 'Does Anyone Still Believe in God?' In this Thread, the comment is made "if God exists, then it is up to him to let people know." - LoveUniHateExams
    By examining what God is Like, we can see Who he is, and we can prove his existence.

    In Matthew 6:4 Jesus implores his Disciples to "Give in Secret".. If this is taken literal, the receiver of a Gift would not even know that they have received a Gift.. Rather they will think that they owe their good fortune to themselves, and no one else..
    If God commands us to do something, he is likewise bound to the command.. God cannot expect us to be Truthful, if he himself Lies, He cannot expect us to Give in Secret, if he himself Gives, simply to be Observed by others.

    To help understand God's style of Leadership.. I'll quote Lao Tzu {Tao Te Ching}
    "A leader is best When people barely know he exists. Of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
    They will say, “We did this ourselves."

    God is Like a Silent Ruler, who puts the Interest's of his Troops above his own fame or notoriety.

    God is Manifest & Unmanifest.. God is Manifest in all Living Beings, and Unmanifest as a Super Natural God in Heaven.. Through out all Holy Books, there is one consistent message, namely.. Man is made in the Image of God.. Meaning God is in Man.. Meaning Man is God.. Meaning the Way in Which we treat Mankind is the Way we treat God.

    To understand the Question "What is God Like" we must First Understand what All Living Beings are Like. Following this Path will lead to finding the Truth.
  • freemindfade
  • cofty
    For this reason we can substitute God with "Universe","Evolution","Nature".

    Then why even bother with the word "god"? It adds absolutely nothing to the entire field of human knowledge.

    If we want to know about evolution then study evolution. If you want to understand the universe study astronomy and physics.

    God is a totally redundant notion. Stop conflating superstition with science.

    God is Like a Silent Ruler, who puts the Interest's of his Troops above his own fame or notoriety

    Utter bollocks

  • LAWHFol
    Cofty - Let's cease using the word "god".. Do you feel that the Universe has a Consciousness? Or do you feel that everything that happens is Random?
  • cofty
    Do you feel that the Universe has a Consciousness?


    Or do you feel that everything that happens is Random?


  • stuffwotifink
  • prologos
    what is god like? you might not like the answer, but look at the things left behind from a "nothing" start.
  • LAWHFol
    cofty - fair enough, but how does Life go from simple to complex, how does life go from good to better?
  • LAWHFol
    prologos - what is meant by "a nothing" start.. I do like what I see, I see more Good than Evil.. And that is Good.
  • cofty
    how does Life go from simple to complex,

    Evolution by natural selection

    how does life go from good to better?

    This is too ambiguous.

    Now I have a question for you.

    Are you in any way connected to the Brahma Kumaris World Spirituality University or any of it's affiliates?

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