Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
2018/19 new light
by Ray Frankz inhi guys, long time without paying a visit to this site.
today i returned to check a 'gossip' that is running around in brazilian exjw forums.. they are stating that is almost certain they will make a big change in their doctrine maybe this year yet in the annual meeting.
they say people in warwick were commenting on this.
Nathan Natas
Ignore the rumors spread by know-nothings; 2034 is the new 1975, and we have been saying this for years!
If religious nabob doctrines could be COPYRIGHTED, the appointed year of 2034 would be! Go ahead, search this site - unless you are lazy and expect barbecued chickens to fly into your mouth - and you will be stunned at our prescience!
STUNNED I tell ya!
By the way: SOMETHING is closer than the INSIDE OF YOUR EYELID, and I'm not talking about Nibiru or the inside of your eyelid! Have faith! Be strong! Don't question! Stop thinking!
J.W.Sisters are not recognized as part of the 144000 Anointed class by the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses and never have been.
by smiddy3 inrev.14: 1-6 describes the 144000 as males who do not defile themselves with women and are classed as virgins.?.
how does the governing body of j.w.`s explain that a man having a sexual relationship with a woman defiles a man?.
isn`t this or shouldn`t this be an affront to women who are jehovah`s witnesses ?
Nathan Natas
The Anointed class CAN'T be women, because they are supposed to comprise Christ's BRIDE, and Jesus liked guys!
Furthermore, we are told in Galatians, "For all you who have been baptized to Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ; there is no such thing as Jew or Greek, there is no such thing as slave or free, there is no such thing as male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."
(How) Will The Slow and Subtle WT Internal Shift Affect Us?
by Solzhenitsyn inas a "deep pimo" i can say that there is a confirmed re-branding.
the coordinators committee formed a focus group from service and teaching committees.
the results of that group roughly three+ years ago, with gb approval, trickled down to the other committees and eventually into what we have been seeing before our eyes in the org and local congs.. pick an organizational level and see the shift.
Nathan Natas
Carla asked, ""...we're not going to even look at the PRC's "- what are PRC's?"
I have no idea, but they're pronounced "pricks," and are a popular subject among the Bethel Boys...
Sisters handling mic's
by I Faded Twice ini saw a topic on another forum where a sister was supposedly carrying the mics.
i was curious if this was even possible?
is it new light or just a lie?.
Nathan Natas
I think it is incontrovertible that this is evidence of blatant phallus envy!
Form a judicial committee, STAT!
Especially if her microphone is longer or thicker than mine!!!
Funny ex-jw memes
by Apostate Anonymous inbackstory:.
so my born-in cousin who recently left the org is looking to start an ex-jw / group instagram based in socal.
he asked me if i had any ideas for a photo that can used for the instagram page and this is what i made for him:.
by new boy ini have been on the phone the last to two weeks calling people i've known over the last forty years most of who are still jehovah's witnesses.
some of these people who didn't know i was "out" talked to me and some who knew i was "out" still talked to me.
some of the those people are even elders.. by book new boy will be dedicated to all the people who have killed themselves because of being a jehovah's witness or knowing others who were jehovah's witnesses.
Nathan Natas
New Boy said, "I guess I'm concerned about the dead and you are concerned about the living."
You're concerned about the DEAD? Why? What is there that you think you can do for them?
by new boy ini have been on the phone the last to two weeks calling people i've known over the last forty years most of who are still jehovah's witnesses.
some of these people who didn't know i was "out" talked to me and some who knew i was "out" still talked to me.
some of the those people are even elders.. by book new boy will be dedicated to all the people who have killed themselves because of being a jehovah's witness or knowing others who were jehovah's witnesses.
Nathan Natas
I hope you are not writing your book on your cellphone with auto-correct turned on.
Few people enjoy editing their own writing and it is clear that you are no exception to this rule.
...and a book "dead"-icated to suicides? Are they also your target audience?
For some reason the word "ghoulish" (not to be confused with the Transylvanian Stew) is stuck in my head right now.
Trump's concubines -- so what? Jehovah loved Solomon and he had 10,000
by ElderEtta inwhat say you.
Nathan Natas
Trump transacted deals with harlots and paid them
Compare and contrast with William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, who is a rapist.
Do You Think President Trump Will Be Impeached?
by minimus inwhether you like him or not.... it doesn’t matter.
do you think he will be impeached?
Nathan Natas
Before a person - any person - can be impeached, he has to be charged with a crime.
So far no crime has been named; they want to impeach on the basis of hair color!