After reading this newly leaked letter, something profoundly "hit" me. Myself, being born a "witness", and most of us here, who have learned their teachings for years, know of the "importance" the GB/WTS always placed on the Watchtower and Awake magazines, themselves.
From the magazines inception, from back in probably the 1920's, or somewhere that far back, the WTS claimed that the preaching work, and specifically the distribution of these magazines, were a sign of the times, and a fulfilment of bible prophecy in these last days. They would compare the Watchtower magazine to a "stinging scorpion", claiming those magazines fulfilled that verse in Revelation. The Watchtower magazines were always "trumpeted" as the "mouthpiece" of Jehovah. LITERALLY SAYING IT ANNOUNCED HIS KINGDOM.
Over the years the GB/WTS made great claims about how the magazines themselves continued to increase and increase, in both production, and distribution. Again, this, in their own rhetoric, claimed to prove there authenticity, and "showed" that we were in the last days, and fulfilling bible prophesy, with them doing the preching work, and using the Watchtower magazine as Gods mouthpiece.
With all of these rhetoric, and the emphasis placed on the Watchtower magazines, wouldnt, if we were really in the LAST DAYS, the Watchtower magazines production and distribution BE INCREASING. If the Watchtower mags were specifically to be the "stinging message", from God, to "reveal" the hypocrisy of Christendom, and Gods mouthpiece in these last days, why are they reducing to nearly a fraction of what they were, even just a few years ago.
Have the "scorpions sting" become DULL. Is the scorpions venom, loosing its toxicity. Are the scorpions "dieing", and withering away.
These are the "last days", the work should be increasing 10 fold. The "mouthpiece" that is the Watchtower magazine, should be increasing by leaps and bounds. Why at the "end", right before the big A, are these magazines going from being produced twice a month to once every other month. It disproves, their own false proclamations, that they would be increasing the "work" at the end of days.
Instead, its becoming mor watered down BS.