My ex--wives Father claimed to be anointed. Whats interesting, however, is that at the time he was "anointed", he was DF'd. He had been DF'd officially for smoking, but the elders were gunning for him, because he would conduct private studies, and bible discussions, with other witnesses. To the elders, this was a NO NO.
Anyway, he had been DF'd for many years, when his "anointing" happened. He told me that it occurred one night, when he was at his mothers house, and a heavy wind blew off some siding on the house, lol.
To be totally honest, I don't take away what someone feels, but my ex-father in law, would be considered someone who has slight mental problems, to be truthful.
I also knew a brother who was NOT even an MS, and obviously not an elder either. He was a business partner of mine, and out of nowhere, claimed he was anointed. Nobody really questioned him that much, and the brothers in the congregation, didn't give him a hard time for it. They went the way of saying it was between him and Jah.
Now, to be honest again, he also, was kind of a character, too. Not flat out mental issues, like my Vietnam vet, ex-father in law, but more of a socially awkward type person. He had decent business sense, and some other admirable qualities, but he was a bit weird, too.
Anyone I knew personally, that said they were anointed, and was NOT an older, longtime, Bethelite, brother in the "truth" for YEARS, did seem to have mental issues, on the outside. However, I don't judge anyone, and who knows, maybe REALLY being anointed, and stuck in the JW cult, will make you a little nutty. Its not for me to say.