Welcome. Its very brave, and courageous of you to take even this first step. It can be overwhelming, and depending on certain circumstances, like family still "IN", and how much your personal life is intertwined, it can be scary.
Take things one step at a time. It took you many years to get to where you ae now, so don't worry about having to change everything quickly. Do, and keep things, on YOUR terms, always. Especially as you learn more, and gather more info. Do not show your "hand", unless you are positive you can without consequences.
I can relate to all you are thinking, and perhaps going thru. I was a "born in", and was 15 years old in 1990. Sounds like we are around the same age, and in turn raised in the "truth" at around the same time of this Cult.
I have been out since my early 20's, luckily, but I still only realized I was raised in a cult only about 3 years ago. Although, I have been away from the organization since the mid to late 90's, I still thought it was the "truth" until just a few years ago. I researched, I found out, I discovered, and it all unraveled. I couldn't believe all the lies we were told.
I know I was told from a very young age, that "this generation" that was alive in 1914, would not pass away. Well, that "knowledge" has been flushed down the toilet. That was taught to us as being 100%, iron clad TRUTH from God. I remember being around 12 years old, and the Watchtower cover with those older, elderly, brothers and sisters on it, and the caption "they will not pas away". Well, guess what, EVERY one of those dear, elderly brothers and sisters are DEAD.
Its hard to believe that our religion of our youth was all lies, but once that's discovered, you cant go back. Again, it takes courage to admit this. I promise, with this knowledge, DOES come power, and it does take time, but you will be better for knowing the REAL TRUTH.
If you ever want to talk, just PM me, and again, welcome.