Oh shit, i just remembered another time i had a direct dealing with a GB member. I was having lunch at Brooklyn headquarters, on "special" invite. This was over 20 years ago, and had to do with my father, and my fathers old college professor. My fathers old professor was very interested in Bethels workings, and had visited many years earlier, and was quite impressed with how efficiently they did certain things, basically cost saving ways they would work the factories. During that visit the professor had made friends with some of the older, prominent Bethel members, like Russ Kerson(not sure of spelling).
Anyway, since my father was the student that was the catalyst in getting his professor there all those years ago, and friendships were made, the prof never became a witness btw, a reunion of sorts was made, hence our "special" invitation to Bethel. So, at lunchtime, all of us, my father, me , mom, sister, my Dads old professor, and Russ kerson, all sat at a very special lunch table. At this table was a governing body member. I honestly dont remember his name, but what i do remember are 2 things. First, he was an old bag at about 80 something, BUT he had a very pretty, hot, younger sister as his wife. Even my Mom commented on that one. Second, i couldnt help but watch how he ate, he was mixing all his food together into one big, mushy, lump of food. I remember lima beans, mashed potatoes, and whatever the protein was, all globbed together first, before even taking a bite, and then once it was all mushed together on the middle of his plate, he started to eat it all. It was weird and gross.