This stuff should really be put out there for the authorities, lawyers, leaders, politicians, and child advocacy groups, to see how shady this organization really is.
Its never about humbling themselves and admitting doing wrong, and fixing things. Its never about them protecting the very children in their own organization. The same children that they are supposed to protect, shepherd, and watch over. Remember how Jesus himself, LOVED the little children, and wanted to be approachable for them.
What would Jesus think of this organization, with whom archaic policies actually HURT, and ABUSE children? He would have stormed the very offices, and abodes of the leaders of this false organization. He would have focused his time and energy into exposing them, and stopping them. Like he flipped and threw the tables, and money changers in the temples, he would have stormed the very doors of Upstate NY.
The least we can do is help put this info out there. This kind of stuff is HUGE. It shows their TRUE heart conditions. They are ONLY concerned with covering up, trying to hide records, and erasing the evils, ONLY for the protection of their fat asses.
All the COs, and Elders that go along with this, and help in hiding records, and destroying evidence, should REALLY beware of what they choose to do. Now they can and should be held responsible as well as the GB themselves. If they sign on to this, and go along with this evil, they show where their hearts are, and they shall be held to, and judged by their actions as well.