Reborn: sorry to hear about your nephew and the brainwashing he is and will continue to endure. Just pray that someday, he too will wake up and say, hey dad....SCREW YOU. I WANNA SEE MY UNCLE.
I too have been shunned. I was shunned by my entire family, friends, you know.....MY WORLD, with a 6 year old and newborn twins because i decided to leave my husband AND NEVER go back to the BORG. They disowned me. Threatened legal action to see the children....etc. This lasted 4 years. Until i remarried. Now that marriage no. 2 is on the rocks, they're doing the "i told you so...." and "that's what you get for going outside to the world" speach; so i am expecting that soon, they'll pull a repeat of the shunning shit.
I share every emotion towards the BORG you wrote with passion. As a fellow latino....QUE SE CAGUEN LOS COME MIERDAS ESOS! Someday.....i just hope i'm alive to see them freakin' fall on their f..king faces.
I have no nieces or nephews....but i lost grandparents, cousins, favorite uncles., etc. I don't know how old your nephew is...but when he's old enough, i'd write him a heartfelt letter explaining YOUR SIDE of the situation, explaining how they've kept you from him and how dearly you've missed being there, and that YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR HIM NO MATTER WHAT. You never know, someday, his own parents may shun him too and he'll need his uncle more than ever. THAT my dear, would be the biggest blessing ever.
HUGS to you, my friend (((((((reborn))))))
Native (aka Diana)