you arn't obliged to go to the jw service, theres nothing wrong with having your own service/memorial, glass raising or whatever you feel comfortable with.
JoinedPosts by nelly136
When my jw dies should I go to the service at the hall ?
by Hairyhegoat ini am been shunned by the rest of the jw family, and feel that to make a point when my dad dies my family( ex jw ) will not be going to the service at the kingdom hell.
we need to get our own back on these morons in the family and see how they like been shunned for not going to weddings and receptions in the family sod them all.. .
h.h.g .
High Profile Case: Seeking Reinstatement
by headisspinning inbut our situation is very difficult and quite high profile.... i was raised as a jw and my mother was very strict and abusive.
i got baptized at age 14.. my mother actually called on my (present) husband's mom in service.
she was on the initial call resulting in his mom coming in the truth and him being raised in it from about age 8 or 9.. despite a very abusive step-father, he followed his mom's lead and came into the truth.
only you can know why you'd want to subject yourself to this kind of torture and bring anothe generation into the same, when really it sounds like you have enough to deal with trying to heal yourselves
**because of the new manual it could take 'years and years' for them to consider our request to be reinstated.**
i knew someone who as an elder was df'd for over 7 years and the 'new elders manual' wasnt in print back then,
what joy he must have felt not missing a meeting and sitting at the back of the hall all that time being regarded as the nasty smell that wouldnt go away in spite of their best efforts to try and drive him out. i got the impression the only reason he was reinstated in the end was more the fact that he managed to stick it out so long and it started causing murmurings of why? in the end.
if theyve told you its going to be years, then years it will be. (and i doubt the book has much to with it as much as whether your face fits and other politics going on)
good luck
How many used to beat their cars to death in field service?
by life is to short inok so this is my second winter out of the crazy religion.. where i live we can get really bad winters and this seems to be another bad year.
we just had a record november for snow fall.
we live in the city and the city snow plowing is not the best to say the least.
my dads car was the taxi, he'd ferry the 3 fat ladies from the back of beyond to and from the countryside to the meetings.
he drove
(minus the writing),if youre from usa, unless you've actually seen a reliant robin its a little hard to explain how small/lightweight they are, but i'd imagine the robins 750cc engine would probably fit comfortably in the paniers of one of your harleys if you bunged half in each side.
at a squeeze we could fit in the 3 fat ladies my mum and dad in the seats and me and even a friend o two in the boot, though quite often to save the sardine factor me and my mum would end up walking or he'd pick them up first then come back for us.
he'd make the journey in all weathers, the lone front wheel at the front made for pretty interesting snow driving.
nelly136 should take you to the maidstone page
Prayer & Good vibes needed for our Dear Rabbit JWD/N member
by FlyingHighNow inhe is undergoing very serious brain surgery today.
pray for him and his beautiful mrs. rabbit.
both them are seriously ill and it's not easy for them..
best wishes to mr and mrs rabbit
That's it! I'm done!
by Lady Lee inmy christmas shopping that is.
the tree is up.
the shopping is done.
Medical Cannabis
by mrsjones5 inover the thanksgiving weekend my family and i stayed with a dear friend.
our dear friend partakes of medical cannabis which helps with his depression, insomnia, and panic attacks.
he suggested that my husband should give it a try because it could help relieve his pain and help him to sleep during the night.. so hubby tried it (three nights in a row, about 15 minutes each session), didn't like the scatchy throat he got from inhaling the smoke but he said it helped his pain and he was able to rest.
Medical Cannabis
by mrsjones5 inover the thanksgiving weekend my family and i stayed with a dear friend.
our dear friend partakes of medical cannabis which helps with his depression, insomnia, and panic attacks.
he suggested that my husband should give it a try because it could help relieve his pain and help him to sleep during the night.. so hubby tried it (three nights in a row, about 15 minutes each session), didn't like the scatchy throat he got from inhaling the smoke but he said it helped his pain and he was able to rest.
i know someone who uses it for pain, theyre not a smoker so they eat it instead.
Another newbie.
by TimeBandit injust beginning to open my aunt, flyinghighnow is helping me along.
glad to be in a place where people understand.
i guess i'll be seeing you all around.
I was BANE...I have an apology to most of you.
by Botzwana ini was bane and i think i got banned because everytime i tried to log in i couldn't.
i was defending the society as best as i could.
something has happened in the last few months.
welcome back botz (sounds better than bane anyways).
**What do you guys do without the org? I have enjoyed just staying home watching TV and not preaching SO MUCH!**
going to meetings and out on the doors is just an expected 'habit', is it something you would actually choose to do if you wern't under pressure to perform?
the less you do it the less you miss it.
sometimes people feel the need to replace one habit for a new one so they dont miss the old one, for me i just liked the gap and it filled itself in naturally with other things.