How easily one might start to minimize the wise,
balanced advice from the faithful and discreet slave class about additional education and start to miss meetings! In this area, some have gradually been molded by the world’sreasoningsand views.(Eph. 2:2, 3) TheBibleapt- ly warns us: “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould.”—Rom.12:2, Phillips.
From the Jeremiah book from the bible study last week paragraph 7, What balanced viewpoint? They make a statement that the F&DS has a WISE, BALANCED viewpoint of additional education but they dont say what it is. In fact they give a decidely, one-sided viewpoint instead. You WILL miss meetings and you WILL get moulded by the world. They are desperately trying to say dont go to college but for some reason dont come outright and just say it. cowardice