Hello Abaddon,
I believe it is this attitude in the absorbing culture which can increase the time it takes for integration, as if the absorbing culture doesn't actually regard all people as equal, then the integrating culture will be alienated. Of course, in such a situation, even though it's the absorbing cultures 'fault', it is the integrating culture that gets the blame. Also, if the absorbing culture can choose what aspects of other cultures it can adopt (wine with meals, spaghetti, pizza, curry, whatever), what the hell is wrong with the integrating culture choosing what aspects of the absorbing culture it adopts? Do you expect 60 year-old illiterate Bengali women to learn English, read the sun, watch Eastenders and eat fish and chips? What about freedom of choice? Does that apply only if you're in the absorbing culture?
Point one, I do blame the immigrants for not integrating, they have massive resources and help here. I don’t know how long you have been out of the UK, but you need to take a closer look. As for eating British food, or watching crap like Eastenders, that is totally irrelevant. You have missed the point of what I was saying. I’m in favour of free choice, they keep all they want and need from their culture. But what they do need to do is learn about the country they live in and have some respect for it—learn its basic history, culture, and get to know the native people. Don’t expect the natives to show an interest in their culture and then hypocritically reject all things native as worthless, or expect the natives to pay for your festival and then complain when a native wants their festival in their native country, and call them racist, or nationalistic!
As for “equal” depends what you mean. As a human, yes. As deserving all the inheritance of the English have worked for over the past 1,600 years, No. Would the new canteen worker be due the same pay as the 50 years faithful managing director who built the company from scratch with blood, sweat, and hard work? No! Ethnic monitory groups have massive help far more than white natives ever get; they have absolutely no excuse at all for not making the effort to use these resources.
Also, third, fourth etc. generations become increasingly integrated... bigotry diminishes, they are more accepted, and as they are more accepted they can integrate more without losing their identity. And they are entitled to their cultural identity . . . then why is it wrong for Hindus to celebrate Devali, for Muslim girls to wear trousers instead of skirts, or to go to Bollywood movies? What's wrong with being a Rasta?
I disagree Abaddon, the biggest problems we have with certain groups are not the first generation, but the last. West-Indian immigrants we invited over in the 50s to offer them employment as we lost so many young men in the war are not the problem. It’s their children, and grandchildren who are causing the massive upsurge in crime in the UK, especially in London. Aged first generation Muslim Pakistanis are not the cause of problems either (except the financial cost), it’s their future generations who many turn into white hating racists (Bradford riots being a perfect example). The opposite of integration is happening, the last generation are the cause of so many problems and crime, not the first generation.
As for “entitled to their cultural identity” of course they are! AND SO AM I! and that’s the problem, just the hint of mentioning ‘English’ is almost a swear word, left wing bigots with endless rhetoric expect the natives to absorb and celebrate all things ‘ethnic’ and if we reverse that, and ask immigrants and their descendants to do the same we get called racist! They don’t want to “contaminate” their culture with anything English, or British, but we are suppose to trash our rich heritage and take on theirs in a “multicultural Britain”. I despise this racially biased hypocrisy! I have many friends, and work colleagues from many cultures, and I take and interest in their culture, but take great offence when I’m told by some white hating left wing black, or Pakistani group etc., that I’m not allowed to celebrate my English heritage, history, and culture because that might offend some ‘ethnic’ minority!
As for the carnival, there is no evidence that they generate anywhere near £4,000,000 over two days. Not to mention the sting of hundreds of thousands of pounds that Kensington and Chelsea’s council tax payers have to fork our for the cleanup bill. By the way, that £4,000,000 was just for the policing! Why? Because of a predictable handful of blacks youth causing robberies, stabbings, and murders.
I'd also like to see your comments on the social justice of attracting cheap workers from ex-colonies to settle in the UK, and then acting like them and their children are in the same group as political refugees when the work climate changes
The reason we invited Jamaicans, and West-Indians here after the war was not for “cheap labour” but because we had a labour shortage as we lost so many of our young men in WWII. I don’t put them in the same category as asylum seekers, or their descendants. Their descendants are one of the UK’s and London’s biggest problems. As for Muslim Bangladeshis, when did we invite them? They arrived en mass in the late 70s, and early 80s. As for Hindu Indians, I put them in a completely different category, they are not like the Pakistani Muslims, or the Bangladeshi Muslims, and all the Indians I know
hate being lumped in the same catch all category of “Asians*”. Indians tend to get off their arse and have respect for education that they inherited from British rule in India. They are a world apart from what are now Muslim Bangladeshis, and Pakistanis.
* For non-British, the UK term ‘Asian’ is very different from the US usage, it’s almost exclusively used for just Indians, Bangladeshis, and Pakistanis. Occasionally they use ‘North West Asians’, the term normally used for East Asians, is ‘Oriental’. Don’t ask me why the extremely narrow usage came about, I don't agree with it, as people from all differing countries in Asian are a world apart.
Frequently people make statements about immigrants not contributing. In the short-term, yes, maybe this is true . . . Do people seriously think an immigrant will say "No, I'll sit here with my thumb up my arse" if he's treated like an equal, has equal opportunities, and doesn't have to read malinformed opinions in the press about how people like him are a menece to Society?
But how long is short term? Bangladeshis have been net dependants ever since they got here! They cost the economy billions each year in benefits, housing, healthcare and welfare etc. as do second and third generation, Pakistanis, and West-Indians. As for equal opportunities, that is a joke if you see how many groups, housing associations [for just blacks, Bangladeshis etc.], free college courses, healthcare, counselling, and all the others organisations that are there are to help them. Far, far more than any white native ever gets. Did you know out of London’s hundreds of housing associations, there is not one single one for native whites, but there are dozens exclusively for non-whites! As for “menace to society”, you need to look at the crime figures, blacks are number one for violent street robbery, murder, gun crime, race hate attacks, and the Muslim youths are a close second. On just race hate attacks 165,000 (65%) in the year 2000 were committed by non-white ethnic minorities
against whites! That's less than 5% of the UK's population causing 65% of all race hate attacks. When broken down to race it gets worse as for every 1 white racist in the white population there are 45 black racists in the black population! 4,500% more racist in the black community is no joke. Muggings, robberies, and murders are also on a massively disproportionately level commited by blacks above what they are for whites regardless of the socio-economic level.
I can honestly say that it is unrealistic to expect your 60-year-old Bengali, Bangladeshi, Gujerati or indeed Martian woman to just up and learn English given the level of goverment support
That is totally untrue Abaddon, they get massive help. There are over 100 colleges that give
free English courses to all non-native speakers just in London. There is massive funding for them to get on with life here. They have mountains of literature translated in their own languages, and countless organisations that help them become literate, and integrate. I will tell you what is one of the problems, besides needing to get off their arse, it’s their Muslim husbands who dislike their wives getting an education. They won’t let them go and do a college course, and make pals, learn a skill, or just make friends on some hobby course (there are literally thousands of courses that they can get for
free.) And you know what happens when “white” people try and help the women in these situations? we get called racist! Why? For interfering with “their customs and religion”, if we sit back and leave them to it we get called racist for not helping—catch 22! Meanwhile we pay out billions to keep them in benefits, housing, and free healthcare and all the other advantages they get with the privileges of living in England. Do we ever get any thanks for being the most generous country on earth? NO. We just get labelled racist or any other ad-hominem for just speaking the truth, or even wanting to discuss the problems!