Stupid question: Why do they tell the elders to destroy the letter that was sent in 2009?
Orwell: Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.
2014-03-29 adjustment to financing kingdom hall and assembly hall construction worldwide.
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Stupid question: Why do they tell the elders to destroy the letter that was sent in 2009?
Orwell: Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.
hi fellow speakers (sorry, brothers only!):.
my first public talk, given in my early 20s, was actually a twenty-minute part of a symposium talk.
my pioneer partner friend and i each had twenty minutes and a "servant" had the concluding part.
I counted an hour for a public talk, but back then they were 55 minutes long...
according to bloomberg news:.
"the u.s. supreme court turned away an appeal from a new mexico wedding photographer found to have violated a state anti-discrimination law when she refused to take pictures of a commitment ceremony for a same-sex couple.. the photographer, elaine huguenin, argued unsuccessfully that she was being unconstitutionally forced to convey a message conflicting with her religious beliefs.
1. If someone wants to hire a Muslim caterer to serve his wedding, does he have the right to demand that the Muslim caterer serve pork chops?
2. If a black man owns a print shop and a KKK member walks in and asks him to print signs that say "Kill the N------s," does he have the right to refuse the business?
Just wondering...
.... and i noticed that you can take the melody for song 135 and plug in the words to "amazing grace" and it fits perfectly.
There's no special significance to the fact that the lyrics fit, it's just that the two songs have the same meter, and the same pattern of syllables per line. The lyrics to Amazing Grace also work with the melody of the Gilligan's Island theme, for example. Hymnals take advantage of this factor all the time; indexes in some hymnals often show a named pattern that can be used with a particular hymn.
you've probably already heard that prince is calling his new album "follow the slave".
but a closer look at the track list raises even more eyebrows.
check out these song titles: "100 invisible years".
Larry Graham and George Benson are on the album?
was there a 1st century gb?
jws say, it was centralized in jerusalem, and they use acts 15 to prove it.
however, today's wt study shows something interesting.
Acts 15 describes a one-time church council to resolve a doctrinal issue. There is nothing either stated or implied indicating the existence of an ongoing "governing body"in the manner understood by JWs today. The elders and apostles came together, resolved a problem, and then went about their business again. Anyone who argues for the existence of a first-century "governing body" needs to find better evidence than Acts 15.
forgive me if someone already posted this but here ya go:.
I wonder what the reaction would be if a rank and file JWwho died had a colorful brochure giving his life story made up by his/her friends and family for the funeral? Do you suppose they would be accused of "glorifying a creature?"
1993-2014 the best of watchtower letters pdf.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
*Comment deleted after I figured out how to get the downloads to work*
a new book for children on friday?.
a brochure about god's organization on saturday?.
Saturday afternoon's closing talk almost sounds like it could include the release of a new version of the Proclaimers book. Not entirely out of the question; the book is now 21 years old. It would be surprising to see them release another expensive-to-produce book this soon after the new Bible, though.
i just watched beginning of the recently leaked video produced by the wtbts allegedly instructing elders how to treat jws contemplating suicide.
i am so apalled i cannot even begin to describe it!.
In the "Good" example, they quote Jeremiah 29:11 out of context and apply it to Mary. It's not a text about Christians, it's about the Jewish captives in Babylon in the 6th century BC. Not that it's unusual for JWs to take texts out of context, but this one gets used that way so commonly among non-JW Christians that I found it amusing to see the JWs doing it too. Minor point, I know...