Did you count the time for your "hour talk"?

by compound complex 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi fellow speakers (sorry, brothers only!):

    My first public talk, given in my early 20s, was actually a twenty-minute part of a symposium talk. My pioneer partner friend and I each had twenty minutes and a "servant" had the concluding part. That twenty minutes, and later a full hour as I progressed, was dutifully reported on my time slip. I needed every minute I could get because if we pioneers didn't meet our monthly quota of 100 hours and 100 magazines and 35 (?) back calls, well . . .

    Friend and I got our feet wet before going on the circuit and district.



  • snowbird

    I know your post is directed to males, but I just want to say hey!

  • confusedandalone

    At first I did... but once I stopped going In service I just created the 9 LINE and wrote in 9 for everything on the service report

  • punkofnice

    I used to invent my time anyway. I never really counted it strictly.....it came from having pioneer(TM) parents.

    Oh, yeah............public talk....I counted the time deffo!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I imagine a few sisters counted their time from parts on assemblies.

    Of course I counted my public talks, but not anything else. When I was in a drama, we were "given" so much time for our sacrifice to rehearsal time if we were pioneering. I was not pioneering at the time.

  • cantleave

    I always counted an hour for a public talk, even when they were 45 and then 30 minutes.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Guys and Gal (), for illuminating comments!

    We all got the same training.


  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Yes. Still Totally ADD

  • snowbird

    The WT = Slave drivers!

    Lord, please do not have mercy on them.

  • Phizzy

    I gave my first P.T at the tender age of 21, I was told on the morning that I was scheduled to give the Talk, that I was due to do so in the Afternoon. I scuttled home and "prepared" it, a real baptism of fire !

    I did not even know about counting the time for it until later. I would not normally have done something like that, but I reasoned that actually I was "witnessing" to more people in that time than door knocking, and I used to spend many hours in researching and honing the bloody things, so I did eventually count an hour.

    Though my talks were always shorter than they should have been, 55 minutes was about 50, 45 became about 35, I never got any complaints, everyone appreciated the brevity. (30 minuters came after I had said I would do no more P.T's ,as I could not agree with what the Outlines contained, funny, I was never pulled up about that.)

    What a monumental waste of time and effort. I can barely remember anything about the ones I gave, and certainly don't remember talks given by others.


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