I got mine from Amazon a few days ago, and I'm enjoying listening through it. Some of the stuff on the first disc was sort of bland, with a similar sound to all the tracks. I suspect a lot of that was covers of old folk songs, not Dylan's own material. But moving on through, there are some fascinating alternate versions of the songs that are already well-known, either from earlier releases or cover versions (including a version of "Tears of Rage" in slow waltz time). Well worth the investment, but Dylan always is.
Dylan has been my favorite musician since the 60s; my friends used to kid me that if Dylan made an album of himself burping and farting, I'd buy it. They were probably right, and he's come close once or twice. But, heck, I even like Christmas in the Heart - Christmas carols croaked out by an old Jewish guy. The guy's a genius, that's all.