Back in 1969, we were studying the book Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules! in the Book Study. At one point, it commented regarding the "hailstones" that would fall, as described in the book of Revelation, that these "hailstones" referred to the hard messages of judgment that we JWs would be proclaiming to people after the Great Tribulation had begun, when there was no further hope of salvation for those who were not already JWs. This idea became a topic of much discussion in the car groups I generally worked in field service with, and we speculated on what literature the Society might publish at that time. We decided that there would probably be a pamphlet of some sort to inform people of God's judgment against them, and that we would have to distribute it to the hopelessly lost people outside the organization.
As fortuity would have it (couldn't say luck), I had enrolled as a vacation pioneer for the month of September, 1969, and halfway through the month, I severely sprained my ankle at work, laying me up for three weeks and preventing me from completing my pioneer hours. In the boredom associated with being laid up, however, I decided to have some fun by creating my own version of the literature that the WTS might print once the Tribulation started rocking. I'm offering the result here for your possible enjoyment.
Are You Doomed?