spicy pork/beef and green peppers
JoinedPosts by Ucantnome
What kind of toppings do you like on a Pizza?
by Iamallcool ini want something different on my next pizza!.
There are only 4 ways to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses
by new boy inthere are only four ways of leaving the jehovah’s witnesses.
so there are four ways that could lead to shunning.
i say “could” because options three and four has some loopholes.
I left and didn't use any of your four ways
Who can guess the number closest to memorial partakers ?
by Chook inmy punt 16144 , do you like my last three numbers !.
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
by slimboyfat injehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
Slimboyfat you said,
However, for those who maintain the holy scriptures, it poses a number of deeper questions.
Would almighty God have allowed this group of Christians to champion his name at this crucial time if they did not enjoy his blessing and support?
And about Jehovah it says:
Acts 15:13 After they finished speaking, James replied: “Men, brothers, hear me. Symʹe·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.
The taking out a 'people for his name' I believed was accomplished by the witnessing of Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought that they were commissioned in 1919 to speak to the nations in God's name and after twelve years of doing this, they took the name Jehovah's Witnesses.
So the question that you ask
Would almighty God have allowed this group of Christians to champion his name at this crucial time if they did not enjoy his blessing and support?
I find directly connected to their preaching/witnessing.
I was raised as a witness, it was my parents that had Jehovah's Witnesses knock on their door and witness to them. They became JW and their hope was that they would never grow old and die in this old system of things but would live on into the thousand year reign of Christ. If was a false hope. They died as old people.
I can remember discussions between my father and people he met in the ministry when I was a child about the generation that will not pass away. I remember arguments with relatives regarding 1975.
After 1919 I believe the anointed who later took the name Jehovah's Witnesses were preaching 'Millions now living will never die'
So for me looking at their preaching and the hopes my parents had due to this witnessing I would answer your question that I don't think they did have his blessing and support.
Why Do People Become JWs?
by minimus ini was born in the religion but why on earth do people join this religion?
Why? I don't know. I always thought I wouldn't have been one if my parents hadn't accepted it. It doesn't fit with my personality. Having said that, I felt that I examined it to the best of my ability as a young adult and stayed in it and was never in trouble in the congregation although I had the opportunity to be. I witnessed at school and in the my work place, bringing a teacher to the kingdom hall and later a work mate.
I think when my parents accepted it with the information that they had and later I had it made sense.
Were You Surprised You Remained a JW As Long As You Did?
by minimus inwe have been told there's no place else to go.
and to some degree mentally speaking, that is true especially if you were raised in the religion.
at 50 i was out of the organization's clutches.
no, I believed it was the 'truth' I may not have liked going to the meetings etc.but I thought it was right.
Why do ones that got out come back in?
by moreconfusedthanever ini have not been to a meeting for about 2 years now.
i do not intend to go back but one thing has me baffled.
why do ones that have faded and been out for years return?
I was out for about 8 years and returned for a year. I didn't fade, I had invited the elders to visit for a discussion. In the year that I attended I was a very regular attendee, hardly missing a meeting. My reason was that one of my children wanted to attend so we did.
I think the reasons are probably varied as to why people who leave return.
Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Bridges of Madison County, Gladiator, High Plains Drifter, Terminator, Aliens, Always, Predator, Field of Dreams, Toy Story, Hustle, Cocoon
What did NOT get you out?
by problemaddict 2 ini realize this is odd, but a "how you woke up" thread and the personal stories that are told which i know we all enjoy, made me think of this.
in helping my wife and a couple others get the ball rolling, i realized the thing that resonated with me, didn't even move the needle with them.
i wanted to rail on and on about blood, because that was my conduit to waking up, but for my wife it was about shunning.
Ucant - Do you mind if I ask what that 1 thing was?
The one thing for me related to two Watchtowers, Jan 15th, 1966 and the Feb 15th, 1994 and the scripture Matthew 24:30 and my reading Matthew 24 as a child.
I was no longer convinced of the message that we were joining the anointed remnant in preaching and as I understood the preaching to be part of the sign of his presence I no longer could be sure of them being the anointed remnant chosen to do this work. If I had remained convinced they were, then all other things seemed insignificant.
Is 1975 explicitly written in old publications ?
by SlappySlap ini've been hearing about 1975 for decades but i've never found a publication where this date is explicitly written.. do somebody have references ?.
I've been hearing about 1975 for decades but i've never found a publication where this date is explicitly written.
When I Googled 'explicitly' it had this.
in a clear and detailed manner, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
"the essay should state explicitly how the facts support the thesis"My view is this, the way I understood it at the time, 1974. When I started regular pioneering. Creative days were 7,000 years long including the 7th. The 7th began in 4026 BCE.
"The first half or 'evening' period of God's seventh creative 'day' was now closing, 3,500 years from the creation of Adam and Eve. The morning of this creative 'day' was due to begin at 526 B.C.E." (God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing for Man's Good 1974 WTB&TS, page 131)
Page 51 of the same book there is a subheading "Evening of the Seventh Creative Day begins 4026 B.C.E."Also, I understood that Armageddon would be over finished before the thousand year reign of Christ began.
Page 186 same book,
"By removing the Serpent and his demons from the neighborhood of the earth and hurling them into the abyss and sealing them up there, bound as with chains for the next thousand years. Revelation 20:1-3 pictures this, not as a part of the war at Har-magedon, but as a follow up of that war."
We also offered this publication in our ministry, as is mentioned in the feature of the Kingdom Ministry October 1974, Presenting The Good News.
So in 1974 studying the new publication and offering it in field service the conclusion I came to is that Armageddon would be over by the autumn of 1975
In the August 15, 1968, Watchtower in the article, Why are you looking forward to 1975? It shows the math and the year zero
page 499
Well, for one thing, if 4026 is added to 1968 (allowing for the lack of a zero year between C.E. and B.C.E ) one gets a total of 5,993 years, come this autumn from Adam's creation. That means that, in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now..., it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam,