JoinedTopics Started by NeverJoinedTheBorg
Dateline discussed openly in our congregation
by TheMatrix inyesterday, the presiding overseer (elder h) read the letter from the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses (us branch) regarding their policy on child abuse.
all scriptures were also looked up and read.. elder h is a very prepared brother.
he is a gilead graduate and served as a missionary for about 7 years in kenya before coming home because of illness.
E Mail about Dateline Errors
by NikL inthis may have been posted already.
if so i am sorry.. i received this e mail tonight.
it seems to be making the rounds among jws.
About Daniel Fitzwater-Exposed on Dateline
by LFitzwater inthis is a very long story that i will try to condense.
it will still probably be too long.
life is good for us now that we know the real truth.
Mind Control in the Watchtower
by SYN inintroduction .
having been a witness for many, many years, about 15 to be exact, i just thought i'd explain a few things for new-comers to this site about what it's like to be a "dub".
"dub" is just a convenient shorthand for "jehovah's witness", and is not meant to be derogatory, but i think i will stick to calling them witnesses here for the sake of people visiting during the furore upon whose brink we are sitting.. much of those early years i don't really remember.