mevirginia - More accusations, and as usual, nothing to back them up. Do you really believe that folks are foolish enough to take your baseless accusations and the "projection" of your frigidity on to others seriously? I'm happy you'll be ignoring me, as I don't really value your conversation. Maybe if, and when, you graduate you'll possess greater wisdom and humility? Time will tell.
plmkrzy - -
And calling Larc a barbarian is a bit radical he didn't deserve that, thats pretty sad. I do not agree with slapping someone in the face but none of us were there and to call someone a barbarian for speaking publicly of an incident is a bit ridicules. - - PLMKRZY
You claim that "there was no passing judgment, not on [your] part anyway." However, in the above quote, you stated your judgment that Larc didn't deserve to be called a barbarian and falsely characterized the basis for my statements as being due to Larc's act of publicly speaking of his disciplinary tactics. So here, you have judged my comments as being "undeserved" while at the same time trying unsuccessfully to misrepresent what my comments were. Your bias is apparent and your attempts to deny it are disingenuous at best.
plmkrzy, I no longer have any respect for you (and could care less what you think of that), and as for your advice on child rearing, please take it and shove it up your a_ _! I bet there's plenty of space there.
Both of you exhibit the tendencies I hated most when I was forced to go to the meetings. It appears that you left the kingdom hall, but the kingdom hall never left you.