You Know,
Next time you're in that situation, may I suggest a healthy dose of "Red Bull," to provide you with the energy to continue as a "Proclaimer." Hope that helps.
yesterday i asked you know and yardif why they frequent these apostate sites.i asked this question: "how do you justify coming on these boards?".
you know's answer:"the way i understand it, it is a conscience matter.
" when i asked whether he was serious, he replied:"i am serious".when i asked him for further clarification, he suddenly vanished from the conversation.
You Know,
Next time you're in that situation, may I suggest a healthy dose of "Red Bull," to provide you with the energy to continue as a "Proclaimer." Hope that helps.
as you may or may not be aware the poster 'mikepence' has asked people to donate to enable him (and his family?
) to travel to the silentlambs march and to file charges against their alleged abuser.
because he seemed to suddenly become very opposed to the idea of attending the march, i and some others asked him what i thought were simple and reasonable questions.
Your existence in the chat room yesterday did nothing but rile folks up and make the majority of the sexy ladies leave. Mike, you'll never be welcome at any of my parties.
Edited by - 144001 on 21 August 2002 12:37:34
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
I wasn't referring to any Pro-choice statement you may have made, but rather to the fact that you were quick to blame the entire incident on the male and try and make him feel guilty for causing it. People shouldn't be made to feel guilty about their mistakes, but instead recognize them and take responsibility. -- amac
As a man, I know that I have control over my actions, including decisions regarding the use of prophylactics and physical control over the flow of my bodily fluids. Therefore, although both parties are certainly responsible for the pregnancy, the man is in a unique position to control the physical circumstances of sexual relations and, accordingly, it is my opinion that he ought to bear total responsibility for mistakes that result in pregnancy.
I agree that people "shouldn't be made to feel guilty about their mistakes," and following that reasoning, Quincy ought to lay off his efforts to make his girlfriend feel "guilty" about resolving her mistake with an abortion. Her desire to have an abortion may indeed be the "responsible" action you speak of.
I think [abortion] should be kept legal. I simply think abortion is wrong and that there is nothing wrong with the male being concerned about the life of his child. I am no more extreme than a person who thinks abortion is OK and the male should stay out of the decision...which would (well you haven't exactly stated your views on the act of abortion itself and the morality of it, so I could very well be off on that point.)
While there is nothing wrong with a "male being concerned about the life of his child," there is something wrong with a male who uses emotional leverage to coerce his girlfriend to go through with a pregnancy that she really wants to abort. A pregnant woman is typically an emotional woman and one who is vulnerable to emotional manipulation. The man should be supportive of his girlfriend's decision in this regard, notwithstanding his own personal views on abortion. As you will admit, the man is at least equally to blame for the pregnancy, so he should not claim a higher moral status in this decision. To clarify, a man is and should be entitled to express his opinion to his girlfriend regarding a proposed abortion, but a line should be drawn where that man uses emotional leverage to coerce his girlfriend to decide the abortion issue in a manner consistent with his own beliefs.
I've never been faced with this issue personally, so I'm not sure how I'd react if was in the position. However, I am very grateful that a woman still has the right to choose, unfettered by the interests of the man who purportedly fathered the baby. If my ol lady told me she was pregnant today, I certainly wouldn't be interested in an abortion. But if she wanted one, so be it. I wouldn't want to father a baby that wasn't wanted by its mother.
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
Actually, the name I used was not chosen arbitrarily. I asked if you were a "Femi-Nazi" because the term seemed to fit your initial post which was a hostile, heavily weighted left wing viewpoint.
"Hostile, heavily weighted left wing viewpoint?" Pro-choice is mainstream and is a view held by liberals and conservatives alike. The extremist views you've expressed are more consistent with those espoused by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Swaggart. Get back to your poodle, acrackhead!
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
Yes, indeed, how ironic that you seem to think that you can arbitrarily engage in name-calling and not expect a hostile response. Acrackhead, you are indeed a jackass. "Keep it up!"
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
Talk about holier-than-thou attitude! "Hurling insults and name calling" is an exaggeration. I called you one name, and asked if you were from Berkeley (in reference to your extreme left viewpoint.) I have no problems with Berkeley, I buy lots of good records there. - - amac
One disrespectful incident is enough, asshole (although there are two, ya blockhead). If you hadn't been an asshole in the first place, the dialogue wouldn't have degenerated to the low point it's at. ; </P>
You call me "extreme left," but folks on both sides of the political spectrum support the right of a woman to choose and be free from overbearing, bible-thumping, weak-minded men who attempt to coerce women to act in a manner consistent with their own ignorant beliefs. Your dated thiking speaks for itself; you ought to check out some old folks homes to find one that's comfortable and has some female servants to wait on you. <P>You and the rest of the pro-lifers scream about saving children, yet you would not likely be one to adopt one of the multitudes of unwanted babies that would be born in the event ilk similarly disposed as you got their way. Fortunately, the dark ages are behind us, as is your extremist mentality.
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
I only called you a name in my initial response to you because I was appalled that you would come on to a thread where a man was concerned about the life of his child and immediately post that he was irresponsible and it was his fault that an abortion was necessary. - - amac
That "man" chose to publicize his conduct by posting it here and should expect many to view his conduct as irresponsible. I hold to that view; men have every ability to prevent the situation at issue here and shouldn't try to impose their holier-than-thou moral viewpoints on others (i.e. Quincy's girlfriend) who have been adversely affected by their own lack of morality/responsibility.
You chose to initiate your dialogue with me by hurling insults and name calling, as you've acknowledged here. It's unfortunate that you chose to communicate with me in this manner. However, I work in a very hostile setting all day, so I'm used to taking it and dishing it out. Next time you ought to exercise a little caution before striking out at others.
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
You are a class act! - - amac
Thanks, but certain truths are self-evident - no need to remind us all of indisputable fact.
For starters, I am far from a right wing zealot. - - amac
That's what George Bush Jr. said, but his actions speak otherwise. Similarly, you're no right wing zealot, but the stance you take on the abortion issue is consistent with that of the right wing zealots. A leopard can't hide his spots, amac, and you have right wing zealot printed all over you.
No, my view is that it is a decision to be considered by all parties involved, male and female. Your view seems to be that it should just be the female. I say that if it took two to create the situation, those same two need to figure out how to handle it and take everything into consideration, including health risks.
Here is where your male chauvinist side rears its head for all to see. Sure, it took two to create the situation, but now that the situation has been created, you believe that the party who will not feel the pain of labor or be subject to its risks ought to have some sort of say in a decision as to whether another person will go through labor and its risks. Why should a man have any say as to what risks and pain a woman will experience? Is that the reward for the irresponsible male; power over another's body? You are a neanderthal, buddy, old in thought and decomposing in gray matter.
Because I called you a Femi-Nazi my post is ad hominem? I just read my post again and I clearly stated my argument. It was far from an "ad hominem" attack.
Yes, name calling and comparing me to intellectuals you despise (i.e. Berkeley reference) are certainly indicators of an ad hominem attack, and were the basis for my response in kind. If you want to start off your discussion with me in as rude a manner as you did, you ought to expect a similar response. But your response is consistent with the macho man mentality of your earlier post. Good day, neanderthal!
today i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
Just because someone never agrees on something doesnt make it right,think about what would you think if your parents told you they didnt want kids and wish they would have "aborted you",i mean cmon dont you apreciate your life, i think not by the sound of some of you, and its nothing to do with the fact that we were fed hogfood at meetings. Maybe some of you are just plain selfish and should have been aborted,and you have the cheek to critisise jw,s -- haujobbz
Apparently, haujobbz overdosed on the "hogfeed" doled out at the meetings and fully complied with the JW admonitions against education, as evidenced by his/her grammar and spelling. Haujobbz, let me give your post the response it deserves, "Duh."
ok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the she says she wants the i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
To ACRACK head:
That is pure CRAP! What are you, from Berkeley? He should butt out of her personal decision? It takes two to tango. It took both a male and female to create the pregnancy, the life result is a product of both of them. They are BOTH involved in the decision. For a woman to take complete control of the situation because it is her body is IMMORAL (understanding there are plenty of cases this is necessary due to loser men.) But in a case where the father is ready to take complete responsibility, I think he has every right to be involved with the decision.
No, moron, I'm not from Berkely, but I respect folks in Berkely much more than fundamentalist right wing zealots like you who take it upon themself to attempt to impose their view of morality on others. It may indeed take two to tango, but the man is in the position to control his own fluids and the places they end up at. If he was responsible, he would have used a condom or had enough physical control to prevent his blue-veined hooligan from relinquishing its products at the wrong time.
You are from the old school of thought, where women were nothing but chattel. Your neanderthal view is that men should be able to impose their will on women, notwithstanding the fact that such will is likely to impose a great deal of pain and even the risk of death on the woman. You and your fascist right wing bible thumper ilk - like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Jimmy Swaggart, ought to move to a country with a totalitarian form of government where you can feel at home with the rest of the right wing extremists. Or better yet, why don't you go to a kingdom hall where your views will be consistent with others?
What are you, a Femi-Nazi?
Ha ha, moron, is that the best you can do is copy slogans from a fat idiot? I've responded to your ad hominem arguments in kind. You are an idiot, and that is why you know of no other way to get your point across other than to make personal attacks on those who don't share your limited-minded viewpoints. It's usually the case that those who attempt to impose their views of morality on others are the ones who are really into the kinky stuff, like bestiality. Is that your situation?