OK...3 days ago, I found out that I was going to be a father!! GOOD new right? Well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which I am totally against....so we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the child....so she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the abortion...now she says she wants the abortion...now I am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire thing...so not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but I have to pay for it???? So now we argued about it because of the disagreement...but then she says I am not being sensitve to her or her feelings, or anything...and I explained to her that just because I told her I would support her, in any decsion she made...doesnt mean that I have to agree with or accept it...so now I think after this procedure we are going to have some problems...because I just cant come to terms with putting my or any developing human to abortion....am I being selfish when I say that I can never forgive her for this?? or over-reacting? Can I get some opinions.?? Thanks...Q
Pro-Life or Pro-Choice--HELP
by Quincy 123 Replies latest social relationships
Mister Biggs
E-mail me. You know why I'm confused....
-If she gets the abortion you should only have to pay for half at the most.
-If you want the child and she does not, agree that you will raise the child w/o her and have her sign away her rights as a parent and never bother either of you again.
-There are waiting lists for adoption. If you find a couple now while it's early many will pay for all her expenses.
Stinky...I agree that I should pay for at least half of it....but she doesnt want to go thru the pregnancy at all....but I am upset...but like I say earlier...its her body..and I have to accept that...but I dont agree with it...
Mister Biggs
As your fleshly brother, if she is willing (and you can't raise the child), I will adopt it. Seriously.
Hi, I'm Josie.
You ask for advice, here it is.
I assume this is your girlfriend and I assume you weren't using protection (right?) Don't do that again, because of the situation you find yourself in now. Every sex act has the potential of creating life, no matter what kind of birth control you, use unless you're sterial.
OK - now you and your girl have a baby on the way and she doesn't want to have it. Well quite frankly if she doesn't want to have it you have no power to stop her. So where do you go from here? Because you have said that if she gets rid of the baby it will affect your relationship. Well I would sit down with her and tell her how you feel about it. That you want the baby and if she get rid of it you will never feel the same about her.
If she goes ahead and gets the abortion, you should only pay half. She should be responsible for the other half.
Question: Did you two ever discuss what you would do if and when she ever got pregnant? And how old are you two anyway?
P.S. If she loves you she should be sensitive to your needs and wants too.
Are you still with this girl? and why won't she have it? Is it vanity about getting fat, the emotional aspect, the financial aspect?
Jobz....well everytime we talk and I tell her how I feel...she flips and says "I AM THE ONE WHO IS PREGNANT!!!!" so now its like...I have to kiss her ass...before she was pregnant...we talked about this...she said she would keep it..because she doenst believe in abortion..but now that she is pregnant...she wants the have the abortion.....she just graduated from college...and i think the bottom line is that she is afraid of her mother finding out and being disappointed in her...I dont know what else to say....I am 22 and she is 21. Thanks for the input....>Q
Stinky....no we are not together..she is afraid of her Mother being disappointed...that is the bottom line.....
Sounds like she's scared and not sure if she's ready to be a mom and also a little immature.
Edited by - jozb5 on 9 August 2002 16:52:27