Well, the end justifies the means and if all those little wastrels have to be slaughtered to make way for us lot then so be it. I want my paradise and I'll have it at any cost, including human lives.
Eat my cake worldlings, EAT MY CAKE!
unemployment is skyrocketing, the markets are crashing.. a several thousand year long struggle is coming to an epic conclusion.. a new order is on the horizion.. prospects of knowledge, advancement & unity.. unite the chosen ones, speaking the chosen language.. your saviour has brought you this far, imagine what the future will hold.. change the world.. .
the catch?
billions must die.. .
Well, the end justifies the means and if all those little wastrels have to be slaughtered to make way for us lot then so be it. I want my paradise and I'll have it at any cost, including human lives.
Eat my cake worldlings, EAT MY CAKE!
i've googled with no success.
i need a date.
when did the watchtower discontinue food service at the district conventions?
I love you guys, you're priceless!
I remember the food well. Hot meals in little foil packets. If they reintroduced it I could be tempted to go back.
i was reading our study article for next week's wt study there is a subheading in there about treatment of disfellowshipped ones.
in one paragraph they slam the term, "necessary business" when dealing with a family member who is df'd.. this is so confusing.
in one hand they have coined that phrase "necessary business" with relatives that have df relatives.
Scully, you've probably just about summed it up in the clearest way possible.
Perhaps you should submit your little statement for inclusion in a future Watchtower publication. I think it would clarify an issue that plagues many of The Watchtower's most sincere and faithful followers.
However, you may have to substitute 'em for them as they do like to use the correct English grammar!
my local congregation has been in the news this week following a successful application for planning permission for a quick build.
a local vicar objected because the application described it as a building for "christain worship".. .
vicar fury at new home for jehovahs .
Good effort.
In the second line of the second paragraph which reads 'plenty good', the word 'of' is missing.
In line with what others are saying, it probably does need simplifying somewhat for the benifit of your potential readers. I know how it is, you begin with something in mind that you want to say and before you know where you are you have written an essay!
Do make sure that you make it as simple, clear and concise as you can or you will be fodder for Witness critics.
The Watchtower are very careful that they get their spelling and grammar correct and you must do the same if you want to win the hearts of your readers (I myself am always checking my spelling).
In all, it's a very good shot at exposing the cult but you have but one chance to get it right so check it and check it again.
I always find it helpful to write something, leave it a couple of days if you have time, then look at it afresh with a clear objective. Very often areas that can be simplified or clarified in some way become more apparent.
I do hope that this is helpful and it is only my intention to offer help and not criticism since that is what you asked us for.
My only desire is that you achieve your objective and I wish you the very best in your effort.
this is a message to sir82 or anyone with information on the recent kingdom ministry school, .
i have had several discussions with a friend of mine whose brother went to km school and he said there was information given about those who no longer attend meetings and are baptized "are sort of viewed as apostates".
i was speaking with a family member of mine concerning this issue and two questions arose: 1. are the notes from the recent km school acurate?
Well, in truth, it definately seems as though this is the general rule of practice now. I left about seven years ago and for a while they were still interested in me. Now, however, they do not want to have anything to do with any of us. There are a lot of us in the locality who have left and it is the same for all of us.
My guess is that by making a concious decision to leave or become inactive we have displayed behaviour that they deem to be tantamount to apostasy.
While we are on the subject of apostasy, it litterally means 'renunciation of one's religious faith or one's principles or party etc.'.
Well, it's just a label. Personally, I believe that from a Christian, or Biblical perspective, The Watchtower Organization are apostate. They overwrite the scriptures with false man-made teachings which instantly disqualifies them from being God's ministers.
I do know the bible well and in the past have studied it to the point of absurdity. I no longer regard myself as religious but do retain a modest interest in it.
By the way, about ten years ago I did work out a full proof way of disproving their 144,000 teaching by using the cross references in the NWT (it works against them). Nobody, not anybody was able to answer me. They were just dumbfounded I think.
Anyway, I will dust off my old Bible and try to refigure it. When I do I will post it here.
The only answer I ever got from a senior Witness was 'my, you do look at things deeply don't you'.
.........the same way pink spotted unicorns do skip in my garden!.
now i'm not saying a god does or doesn't exist but the brand name god of the watchtower certainly doesn't exist.
he is the magic imaginary friend in the sky that jws talk to telepathically.. .
All of this is very true.
When you are in Watchtower inc it's easy to ascribe every good thing to Jehovah and all bad things to Satan but in reality we have to sort out our own problems.
My cousin is a 'Born Again', and even when I offer him a lift into town he thinks that the Lord has sent me. In reality, I'm just showing him a kindnes but rather than thank me he'd rather thank the Lord.
Likewise, if he feels like doing someone a favour he is convinced that the Lord has 'moved' him to do it. Indeed, the Lord talks to him all the time!
He's harmless enough though. If he tries to establish a worldwide, money making business out of it I'll clamp down on him.
But until than, peace.
watchtowers bible scholar .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog taking a look at watchtowers announcement and identification of its bible scholar.
You are bang on target Cedars!
He carved out a very cushy life for himself.
I think money and prestige always was the motive behind the organization and it has carried on right through until now. I don't think that any of the leaders have ever believed it. The only people that do are the ones who 'choose' to follow.
I think that the closer one gets to the top, the more evident it becomes that it is all an illusion.
I mean, the so called 'anointed' don't really believe they are special, do they?
i would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
I don't get to study the Watchtower anymore.
You guys seem to be having so much fun it almost makes me wish I were there to join in!
i have been meaning to post my experience at the pioneer school and i will as soon as time permits but theres something that has happened recently in my life that has impacted me in such a horrible way that i just have to get off my chest.. as you may know ive been trying to fade.
its very hard.
hard as hell.
Even when you feel alone you never really are. Life does get better. Better than it ever would living a lie. Be true to yourself and people will love you.
When I was leaving I would go to bed at night and as soon as I shut my eyes I would see myself spiraling through a void with no direction. I know how it feels and it's not to be taken lightly.
When you leave they call you weak. Well, it takes a lot more strength to leave than it does to carry on. Very often it is the weak ones who stay because they do not have the backbone to leave.
Anything that's worth having is worth fighting for and nothing that's too simple is worth having.
Advice? A wise man doesn't need it and a fool won't take it.
You will find your own way and I wish you the very best.
watchtowers bible scholar .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog taking a look at watchtowers announcement and identification of its bible scholar.
Ah Cedars, I love it.
What nonsense we have partaken of!
Does it not put a smile on your face to think how we believed in these morons?
Beth Sarim indeed! Smells like Watchtower mischief to me.