Can this be real???
Does this mark the beginning of their demise I wonder.
Wow! Never thought I'd see them in so much trouble.
Do they know about the laughing dog?
That's the most humiliating part!
we all saw this coming -
Can this be real???
Does this mark the beginning of their demise I wonder.
Wow! Never thought I'd see them in so much trouble.
Do they know about the laughing dog?
That's the most humiliating part!
literally hundreds and hundreds of quotations like the one below have been made, to "prove" that only the heavenly -hopers are "sons of god".
(type in 'spiritual sons of god' in cd rom).
"jehovah forgives the error of the other sheep on the basis of jesus shed blood of the covenant.
Also I agrre with Room 215: WE do flatter them when we study what they write.
As the saying goes; I won't dignify that stupid question with a sensible answer.
Even to question their writings is to lend it credence.
But still we do it because we are all human ;)
literally hundreds and hundreds of quotations like the one below have been made, to "prove" that only the heavenly -hopers are "sons of god".
(type in 'spiritual sons of god' in cd rom).
"jehovah forgives the error of the other sheep on the basis of jesus shed blood of the covenant.
Children of God but not sons of God. I think you'll find that they differentiate between the two and see no contradiction in their statement that we are all 'children of God' but not 'sons of God' who as heirs would, naturally, inherit the kingdom.
Don't worry, they have it all sewn up watertight and anything they write is extremely well calculated.
here is a list of the current governing body members:.
gerrit losch: born 1942, appointed july 1, 1994 .
guy h. pierce: born 1935, appointed oct. 1, 1999 .
One of them was born in 1955!
We were always told that they were getting older. Bloody younger more like!
I wish Russel and Rutherford could see things now.
i've been receiving very bitter messages from jws i know, mostly my mother, but also others that know how to contact me electronically.
sometimes i find myself mad at her, though not displaying it.
but i know it's really not her or my fathers fault.
Angry at myself for being hoodwinked I guess.
I know they are a cult but I was young, ignorant and foolish to get involved and I blame myself for that.
What doesn't break ya makes ya stronger though-and I feel like wrestling monsters!
Since the day I left I've had a fire in my belly and it's never gone out ;)
i can't believe i just now heard of this..
I could not think of the term earlier but the method he uses is called coercive persuasion (identical to the WT$). The end result may differ slightly but the groundwork remains the same.
This is much more affective (and dangerous) than brainwashing as you get your followers to do what YOU want them to do by convincing them that they really WANT to do it.
Brainwashing is far less effective as it relies on getting a person to act against their will.
i can't believe i just now heard of this..
Well, from one cult to another I guess.
Very worrying. His methods are very similar to the WT$ but with the end result being more pronounced.
i see very little except that priests wear black..
Its easy. Priests parade around in black telling people what to do while elders.......................well..............umm......................................yes, I see what you mean.
so a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
How interesting. It's funny how Jesus supposedly selected an apostate religion (which, by it's own qualification it is).
I have a genuine copy of The Divine Plan of The Ages which I discovered in an old book shop. It's the one with the pyramid diagrams.
I also have the blue Creation book written by Rutherford I believe which is not quite so old.
Both very stupid reading though.
I also have Life Everlasting in Freedom of The Sons of God which very clearly shows the whole 1975 teaching (Franz).
I'm serious, these guys were seriously off their trolly.
Nowadays I wouldn't go near it with a disinfected barge pole.
i found this quote in wtbts publication, worldwide security under the "prince of peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.. .
"this jesus god resurrected.
do you ever recall stating that jesus was god resurrected?
I know this is a WT article but the priciple applies to their other publications.
To be honest, the whole of the NWT is a really bad lesson in the use of the English language.
A lot of it used to really throw me. I think that because they have 'fudged' such a lot of it and altered it so much, when you put it all together it just doesn't read very well. In fact it reads very badly and if that is so how can you learn from it?
Their criticism of the NIV and the NEV is well known but at least these bibles actually read coherently.