Agree strongly with the above.
That despicable man Blair and his odious wife really did damage this great country more than all of its enemies combined.
After his failed attempt to sabotage this country he quit and basically said, "oh, by the way, I'm now a Catholic so you can all go to hell".
I can understand why people in the US like him so much. It is because he had his head so far up George W Bush's arse it was hard to tell where Bush ended and Blair began.
Its going to take David Cameron and the Conservative Government a long time indeed to undo the injury that man and his cronies did to this country.
He should be tried for war crimes and treason against his own country.
Principally because I love my country (as we all should) I hate the man.
I can't believe people would even consider voting Labour back in!!!
God help us if they do.
This is such a great nation and yet those people would have us crawling on our hands and knees at the mercy of the world.
He was only ever interested in lining his own pockets, which he successfully did.
Such a shame