Dear fokyc,
Is this really your view or are you being ironic?
Without question, the fact that the Watchtower reduces itself to petty name calling is a clear and resounding symptom of their insecurity and lack of reasonable evidence to back up their unscriptual false teachings.
Why would any active supporter of the Watchtowe false prophets (should be false profits) frequent this site and defend their lies?
Really, let them do their own dirty work. Do you not know that in order to cover up a lie one must tell another, and another and so on?
Charles Taze Russel founded the Watctower religion on a lie. Namely that he had knowledge of the coming of the Lord. Information which, in time, proved false.
This is why they are extremely defensive and insecure of their spurious history and aggressively attack anyone who dares contradict them with abusive language. Yes, I'm sorry, It really is abusive language weather you like it or not.
If you are very ingenious at being ironic then I apologise.
Keep on the watch!