I haven't talked to god for many years. I quit talking to him after being ignored for my whole life.
If you see him ask him how he is and tell him I am just fine.
bet you he doesn't answer.. (this wager does not include the ongoing conversation between jehovah and jcanon).
I haven't talked to god for many years. I quit talking to him after being ignored for my whole life.
If you see him ask him how he is and tell him I am just fine.
wasnt tempted myself during the acutal ceremonies; however: the sister whose husband used to supply the wine for the memorial in the 70's; well her son's would be round the back of the khell after the memorial supping it!!!
they were only about 12/13!!!.
always wanted a sipp myself after the annual ordeal but was scared mum and dad would find out.. shell.
I have wine on memorial night. Just not at a kh. More than likely I drink wine with a little pasta and salad.
To drink the wine at a memorial would require that I attend a kh. That will not happen ever again. Been there done that. Thank you very much.
a willingness to be wrong is the beginning of intellectual honesty.. are you willing?.
it hurts to be wrong.
it is often humiliating.
Can you state simply right now what the difference is between gullible and faithful?
I'll try this. both relate to trust and believe. You are gullible if you trust and believe in a lie. You are faithful if you trust and believe in the truth.
So, I was a faithful witness until I determined it was a lie. From that point on I keep saying "how could I be so gullible!?"
a willingness to be wrong is the beginning of intellectual honesty.. are you willing?.
it hurts to be wrong.
it is often humiliating.
I work as an internal auditor and am always amazed how complicated communication is.
I can spend weeks with a client to try to understand his or her world. Once I think I understand I write a draft report identifying problems and etc.
Once I put in writing what i think I know, I realize how much I don't know. And then, when I show the client the report more than once I hear, No, that's not what I meant.
So how does this little story relate to what you wrote, Terry?
It is very likely that you don't truly know what you think you know and that you don't truely understand the position of the opposing party. May be you can never get to that point by just vocalizing your views.
I cannot stand Dr Laura. I would never listen to her, buy her books, or rely on her for advice for living.
Ther was this old sister that used to quote her in comments at the meeting. It was always funny because she would never identify the source of the quotes, but you knew who she was listening to during the day.
probably a lot of you saw borat.
my wife and i laughed our selfs crazy watching it.
mrs. flipper actually fell on the floor watching it, laughing !
Loved the movie. But I do not think I learned anything from it to make me a better person.
i remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
At a book study the people sitting across from me busted out in horrified laughter at the site of my straddle-legged pose, whilst I was obliviously reading the Truth book.
I was maybe 7 or 8 years old.
At some point in time, I had written my name, "JOY" in bright, blood-red, permanent magic marker into the crotch of my underwear.
From the mouths (and underware) of babes.
i remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
This goes back 35+ years.
Our family picked up this smelly old woman and brought her to the bookstudy. As soon as the bookstudy started she would fall asleep. More than once she would start talking in her sleep. One time she said something really loud and everyone started laughing. The laughter woke her up and she got embarassed and then mad and told off the bookstudy group. She immediately went back to sleep and did not wake up again until the bs ended.
i have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Any word on how blondie is doing? We all remain concerned about her health.
or any other witty comments you can make about what elders both are and are supposed to be...
The elder must be appointed by the wt society. He must have been recommended by the current body of elders. The recommendation goes to the circuit overseer. If accepted a letter is sent to the society. Once the society approves the recommendation a letter is seht to the congregation and the appointment is announced.
I doubt that you will see this now, but my ex-brother-inlaw was appointed as an elder in the spanish congregation when he was 19 years old. This was in the 70s and an island country.