Back in the 80's at a book study my husband who walked out on us made a very stupid comment. We were studying the family book and I don't remember the question, but he raised his hand and answered "If your wife has wants she better want less". I wanted to die, the brother conducting the study didn't know what to say. At the end of the meeting this stupid elder asked him to say the prayer. I took my son by the arm and we walked out before he even started to pray. I told my son we are never going back again. He turned the radio up full blast and sang all the way home. So much for the good old boys club.
JoinedPosts by sistif
What is the stupidest comment you ever heard at a meeting?
by 3rdgen ina very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
I was driving by the Kingdom Hall and I noticed...........
by Sour Grapes ini was driving by the hall last night and it was 45. minutes until the meeting started and there were.
12 cars in the parking lot.
i thought don't these.
My husband leaves 90 minutes before the meeting. I think he sits in every seat to warm them up.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
Slept a good night thanks for the group hug.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
The brothers at the hall know that I do all of this. I have a 89 year old parent that lives in the house. I have to care for my parent to make things as comfortable as possible. I buy all of the food, my clothes, pay all of my deductibles on dentist bills, eye doctor, medications. Trust me I am on my own, and the home is paid for free and clear. He claims he supports me. The bible says that if a man does not provide for his own family, he is like a man without faith and should be removed from the congregation. Not happening to him. They ignore what goes on in homes. I called a brother I knew from when I went to the hall in regards to this patient advocate card. He asked me if I had signed the previous card and I told him I knew nothing about the document. Then I spilled my guts and told him everything. He spoke with my husband and when he got home he told me what he does with his life is none of their business. I this a double standard???????? These people make me crazy.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
talesin, I don't know how I did this all those years ago. I did get a very good job, but after 911 business went bad and our branch office closed. I do get some social secuity and I have a part time job. I have been supporting myself for the last 3 years. I have to purchase all of the food for the family, so money is tight for me as I have no idea of what he has in the bank. I hear comments from him like this "If a wife has wants she better want less." But the kh gets there check every month. Crazy man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand how he gets away with this. As far as I am concerned he is only two pieces of paper to that hall a check and a time slip. Thank God I got my kids out of that hell, they are married and living good lives, so I guess I did something right.
Thanks to all for your comments. I think God loves me, because I know I love him.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
I have been out 27 years and still have very bad feelings about my husband. Just this year his told me he didn't trust me as his advocate and that he resented me because he was removed as a elder in 1984. I felt like a piece of crap, I have been with this mad 45 years. How could a man who has the true religion live a lie all of these years? I have moved out of the bedroom and sleep in the basement. I told him he should file for divorce. If there is no trust, there is no marriage. This has gone on for the last three years, and the elders in the hall know what is going on. They have done nothing and even let him special pioneer in April.
I did have a chance to let some of my steam off last Saturday. I was approached by a lady in the parking lot of a drug store. She had her bible with her and a magazine. This is what she said. Hello, I want to share some good news with you. My response, please don't waste your time on me. I live with a JW and he doesn't trust me and resents me. He treats me like a piece of shit. Yes I said shit to her face. She then asked me his name. I told her and she said she knew him. Then I said, You let the brothers know that I am not finished with this matter yet. She had a sad look onher face and when walking away she said, "I'm sorry this has happened to you." So slowly but surely someone is going to hear from her. The best part of this whole conversation is that she knew my husband had the co visit this week, and she will have him next week. Wait until he asks all of the pioneers for their experiences in service. Once I heard a brother give a talk and he said there are three modes of communication telegraph, telephone and tell a sister. Yeah and he's a pig too.