Excellent answer Simon, as always.
Posts by ttdtt
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
Can someone tell me exactly what Melania has done to make her so great and wonderful to get such loving loyalty from you?
Was it figuring out that getting a boob job really young was gonna help her sell nudie magazines?Whats her record of wonderful service to the world?
Those awkward magazines
by Addison0998 ini’m sure we all remember those really weird, awkward magazines we were expected to place in service.
and it was before we are had the website or the thing on the back to fall back on.
imagine being a 12 year old girl, and having to place magazines on god’s view of pornography, sex, homosexuality.
I remember NOT placing lots of magazines:)
As an Elder when I was All IN - I still cringed at those and left them at the hall.
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
Face it - the ENTIRE WORLD is conspiring against this Most High, Exalted, Super Smart, Big Brained, Knowing the Best Words, Best Business Man, Best Steak Salesman, Best University Creator, Best Wall Builder, EVER EVER EVER EVER, or in other words the GOD of the UNIVERSE Donald J Trump.
Really, the amazing comparisons to style and action between Our GOD Trump and Hitler, Mussolini, and other Authoritarians is just a coincidence.
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
Divert divert divert - just like Trump.
oh and
emails emails emails
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
Trump is Hateful and Vulgar.
How many public statements from his mouth would you like to have me show you as an example Simon?
Or would it be better to have him come over and grab a pussy in front of you?
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
I know it it will get pulled down.
But please all this bullshit about how great she is?
What the Fuck has she done for anyone except herself her whole life?The constant disparagement of the Obamas is blatant and hateful racism.
I am so sick of this Religious Recovery site just being a Political forum to spewing the same thoughts and attitudes of the JW cult.
Possible leak from Annual Meeting 2018
by Listener ini'm a member on jw talk (until now at least) and have been regularly checking up on their thread regarding the annual meeting.
there hasn't been a great deal to report on except for this recent post that has been made.
i may get outed but that's no loss.
Such a joke. I guess they do it to keep the R&F in line and interested - but they must know they are spouting BS.
Don't you think?
Belief in God
by jdash inwhen did you guys start to doubt your faith in god?'.
what made you doubt your faith in god?.
thanks !.
FYI - on my long comment on page 2 there are a few SPELL CHECK errors (I hate when it changes words on me and I don't notice).
Please forgive that, and I think you can probably figure out what the words should have been.
Belief in God
by jdash inwhen did you guys start to doubt your faith in god?'.
what made you doubt your faith in god?.
thanks !.
For me, being a lover of science, the evidence kept building that made beliefe in god and of course the bible harder and harder to swallow. I don't even know where to begin.
I NEVER write really long opinions - so please read this:)
I was always a LOVER of science (even as a kid) but twisted myself into a pretzel with logic to overlook the complete idiocies in the bible and religion when it came to science.
As an elder, I took all the science & history talks so I could "do them right" and put a spin on them closer to reality but keeping that shell in place protecting my live long religious beliefs.
Things just got worse, especially with modern science breakthroughs.
First thing to fall for me was The Flood. I spent years figuring ways and listening to theories on how it was possible. But I concluded that the Flood was as possible as me being the Center for the Bulls, and the QB of the Cowboys at the same time at the age of 48.
Then all the science that was coming out in the study of the brain. One NPR show talked about a study that was going on that showed that anyone could have their morality totally shut off with a chemical cocktail that just stops the brain from creating some of its hormones. That and other brain stuff (and there was lots of it) showed me that we are just a chemical machine, with NO internet way of changing our behaviour past the specific boundaries each unique person has. So no matter how much you prayed or studied, some people can NOT as the WT states, change their way of life past what their dna will allow. So thats not fair in a GOD world, so there is no god.
Then Evolution. My trips to the great Museums of Natural History in places like DC and NYC have so much evidence that I could not keep ignoring it. Not lots of evidence, but 10s of millions in each museum. All the stuff I was taught in the "Creation" books was all BS. There are MANY intermediate species fossils found, many many. The BS I would teach from the platform about them, or about the EYE was all misinformation and cherry picking OLD data.
My god the Big Bang. Now I believed it was true for many decades, and just used the excuse that the old farts in Brooklyn just don't understand it. But the constant drumbeat that it was not real, and all the 1/2 truths about why were so blatantly wrong, it made me to start doubting the source and its honesty about the way it presented information.
6000 years really? The idea that humans have only been around for 6k years, and that all things were wiped out 4k years ago can only be believed if you live in a cave. I can't believe the stupidity I let slide about the age of the earth, (it could be many thousands of years old) Oh Brother... This could be a book on itself.
Segue here. As an elder who was used lots on district assembly parts (big ones) had access to all the outlines, and taught at Elder Schools (what a misnomer that is), I got to see SO much of the 1/2 truths, lies, and use of OLD OLD ideas and info and data here. I saw the deliberate misdirection and fancy questioning used to make people doubt what was fact. The false questioning was also horrible. I could not ignore the fact that they were WILLINGLY leading people down a path they must have know was false.
Also sex. It became so apparent that the way the WT treated sex was just wrong in so many ways. The idea that masterbation, oral, and anal sex was bad just became idiotic. Not only are they not bad, they are 100% normal. Homosexuality also was a turning point. I have a family member who I knew was gay as a little kid. It was no shock what he chose when he grew up. IT WAS NOT A CHOICE, it is who he is. Then the constant harping on Porn, and all of that just became silly and just a means of controlling people. Imagine my shock when I found out that about 10% of the animal kingdom display bi or homosexual activity. And by the way what do you think dogs are doign when they hump your pillow or leg. DoggyMasterbation, like all animals with a penis.
Then there was always a WAR on something. Smurfs, Disney, Star Trek, Vampires, Zombies. Seems like god was really threatened by Fake things. It was maddening that as an elder who wanted to really help people, all we were talking about was what someone watched on TV or saw on their computer.
And just like in your congregation, people were dealing with REAL problems they could use help with. I knew of very few GOOD marriages in our hall. Most were all fake held by the glue of being busy in the "truth" or fear of the big DF. I wanted to and tried to help people in what they really were looking for, but it was like punching the ocean.
I could go on and on like many of you, but this sums it up.
Thanks for reading it. It feels good to get it out sometimes.