Posts by ttdtt
by EJ257 inplease be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
by EJ257 inplease be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
Theocratic Ministry School cancelled. Why?
by the girl next door inis it possible this aspect of the meeting was cancelled so that jws would not be categorized as a "school" where in many areas elders and ministerial servants would have to submit to a background check by secular authorities?
Also - I dont think just because we call it a "school" that any governmental authority would think we are a real school. There are currently states that require checking for teacher, and this does not effect JWs. But if it were a concern, it would be much easier for the GB to send a letter saying - "Dear Brothers - if you TMS Overseer is a Felon, please contact the Legal Dept, and assign someone else who has not committed crimes or is a sex abuser."
Warm Christian Greetings - bla bla bla
Bethelites being sent to Wallkill and Paterson
by Angelclare inthis is my first post but i've been lurking for some time.
ive just spoken to a friend of mine from my jw days who isnt aware that i no longer associate.
hes the coordinator of the body of elders in his congregation so i suppose he does know something of whats going on at the wt.
I dont think they got a free ride - they paid with hard work - putting up with crazy household rules - and things they have no idea about, like loss of time to get some real skills (those roosters will come home soon), and really wasting a good chunk of there time. I have a number of young friends ( I use the term loosely) from my hall who are at Bethel - I feel sorry for them.Link +5 / -0 -
The FINAL DAYS are here !!!
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to this jw video... now is the time to preach without fear!
now that the final days are here!.
the final days were not here previously (as they kept insisting for over 140 years)... but now they are!.
By the way this is a GREAT website when trying to show people (borgs) (JWs) that things in the world are getting MUCH MUCH BETTER!
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Thanks for putting that up - are you an elder?
Love this part of the answer to question 1."We must all be ready to obey any instructions that we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
Like what? Dump all your bank accounts into our pockets? Or here take this little pill?
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How Many JWs Really Believe Everything They Are Told?
by minimus ini think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
The FINAL DAYS are here !!!
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to this jw video... now is the time to preach without fear!
now that the final days are here!.
the final days were not here previously (as they kept insisting for over 140 years)... but now they are!.
Sex and Marriage
by nicolaou inmost religions indoctrinate a standard sexual 'morality' into their followers.
sex before marriage is wrong, gay sex is wrong, same sex marriage is wrong, masturbation is wrong.. let's not turn this into another religion bashing thread (too easy), i was wondering how much of that pre-packaged thinking you still hold to?.
i still value marriage, more than ever.
Just about everyone I know who got married got married young for sex, as did I (fyi - I deeply love my wife). Having been a elder for a long time (thankfully out of that now), I cant tell you the number of marital issues that directly correlated to people getting married for the wrong reasons. I am personally very bitter that I did not get a chance to have a normal pre-marriage sex life, as well as having a normal sex life after marriage. The guilt and other issues associated with being in the cult dealing with what parts of the body you could kiss or stick something into, has deep roots.
This cult along with many other religions are the ones who have perverted sex, not those who would like to have it.
To be fair its the bible that did the perversion early on. It is the most destructive book ever written.Link +4 / -0 -
Why do girls have a hymen?
by JWchange inif you believe humans evolved, and were not created, why would having a hymen help, especially as no other mammal has one?
if you believe humans were created by {a} god, or intelligent beings with advanced technology, what was the reason for a hymen?
i'm interested to hear your thoughts on this unusual subject, not many people talk about..
Some how you would think God would have know this?
Must have slipped by him I guess.Female virginity is traditionally defined as the state of a woman who has not engaged in penis-vagina sexual intercourse. Female virginity cannot be measured or proven from a physical examination or test. A medical professional, friend, partner, or family member cannot “see” a woman’s virginity.
However: the hymen doesn’t break and stay broken forever, like a freshness seal (with accompanying “use by” date). If a hymen tears or bruises, IT HEALS.
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