Interesting when you see how Mormons compare to our growth.
Posts by ttdtt
Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Michio Kaku: can universes form from "nothing" ?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Shep - i think "this guy" MICHIO KAKU may know a bit more than you do
As part of the research program in 1975 and 1977 at the department of physics at The City College of The City University of New York, Kaku worked on research on quantum mechanics. was a Visitor and Member (1973 and 1990) at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton[7] and New York University. He currently holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York.
Kaku has had more than 70 articles published in physics journals such as Physical Review, covering topics such as superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronicphysics. In 1974, Kaku and Prof. Keiji Kikkawa of Osaka University co-authored the first papers describing string theory in a field form.
Kaku is the author of several textbooks on string theory and quantum field theory.
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Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Vidiot - I have to agree. Though I think it will start to contract pretty soon. No economically stable country will show growth in the future. They will have to count on continued amnesia of new ones. in 20 years when the come up with the next Overlapping Generations trick, I think will be the last gasp for them. It may survive, but not in the current form.
I dont think my post was saying that It will die any time soon? It was on the craziness of pushing for younger and younger baptisms as a transparent effort to get control over people before the Exit on their own without the repercussions of DFing.
Governing Body Letter details things that "have never been done before." - Really?
by cappytan in[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
What did being a JW teach you?
by punkofnice inthese are some of the things the wbt$ 'taught' me:.
dishonesty is fine if it's to trick people into joining the cult.. if your spouse stops believeing, the best thing you can do is break up the family.. the laws of the governing body overrule any other laws...or else!.
my friends are conditional.. avoid loving people, they'll only let you down or get df'd.. unintelligent dumbos are better than intelligent ones if the dumbos are elders or above.. hate is better than love.. i am not good enough and god will probably enjoy killing me.. demons will appear in my room at night.. ignore practicallity if being practical or loving prevents the leaders getting money or praise.. god hates.
Phizzy2 minutes ago
When I first left the cult I believed that one good thing they had taught me was Public Speaking skills. I then came to realise that the Theo. School actually did not teach those skills in a meaningful way.
The school is amazingly basic - and as results prove - teaches no one anything about public speaking - outside of possibly loosing the fear.
I became a very very good writer and speaker, and not because of what was in that School Guide book, but because of countless hrs getting training from other resources, and then lots of practice.
Following the Guide Book will actually make you a bad speaker, as is testified by the large majority of elders who give public talks that are so bad they would not be acceptable in any other forum.
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Bill Cosby charged with sexual assault
by freddo innews just released in the uk on the bbc news website.
God Made Eve From Adam’s Penis, Not His Rib, Academic Claims
by OrphanCrow inthere are days that i drop to the ground and kiss the earth in gratitude that i was born a woman.
at least women didn't have anything to do with writing the bibble.
and women don't come up with this nonsense.
ultimatum stop the practice of shunning or lose your charity status.
by joe134cd injust curious what would wt do if a government said reform your policy on shunning or you will lose your charity status.
we will also be monitoring your reforms and there will be consequences if not brought up to our standards.
It would be an unenforceable law. Members already pre-shun people who don't live up to the "standard". We already have tons of statements about, "not everyone in the hall is good association". Even a legal edict would not make a major change unless the GB wanted to revers the policy for the good of everyone. And that would NEVER happen for a few reasons.
1st - it would tell people, we have been wrong and cruel all these years, and don't listen to us any more.
2. People would stop coming to meetings and going out in service.
DFing is the BIG HAMMER they have over everyones head. That gone, the Cult Falls!
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What did being a JW teach you?
by punkofnice inthese are some of the things the wbt$ 'taught' me:.
dishonesty is fine if it's to trick people into joining the cult.. if your spouse stops believeing, the best thing you can do is break up the family.. the laws of the governing body overrule any other laws...or else!.
my friends are conditional.. avoid loving people, they'll only let you down or get df'd.. unintelligent dumbos are better than intelligent ones if the dumbos are elders or above.. hate is better than love.. i am not good enough and god will probably enjoy killing me.. demons will appear in my room at night.. ignore practicallity if being practical or loving prevents the leaders getting money or praise.. god hates.
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
1: Bad things will happen in the world, and it will be a sign of how close we are to the end.
2: Gay rights will continue to progress, and it will be a sign of how close we are to the end.
3: JW atrocities will come to light by the Satan Controlled media, and it will be a sign of how close we are to the end.
4: Scientific progress will continue to move to solutions to health and world problems, and it will be a sign of how close we are to the end. (since they dont put their eggs in gods kingdom)
5: Huge humanitarian efforts will happen, and it will be a sign of how close we are to the end.
Are you sensing a pattern?
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