1. Like the video - when you have that belief ingrained in you as a kid, its hard to let go of it.
2. No one wants to think when they die that there is nothing else.
one of the most common thing thrown at atheists is - lots of intelligent people believe in god.
this darkmatter 2525's video is an excellent explanation as to why very logical people possess religious belief systems.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y201qzddzbg.
1. Like the video - when you have that belief ingrained in you as a kid, its hard to let go of it.
2. No one wants to think when they die that there is nothing else.
just wondering, as i will be visiting active jw family in ohio in a few weeks, do you think it will be worthwhile dropping it into a conversation, about the wtbts pyramid near his grave, or try some other topic to try and wake them up.
i was never baptized and don't really care if they get upset or not, but it is only a day trip from ohio to pittsburgh, and thought it would be fun if they denied it, and then drove their to see it for ourselves.
My father-in-law a long time respected elder (who has ALL the old books) once just told me - "we used to believe some funny things" to say as if now things are so much better.
He just chalks it up to - the light getting brighter...
And NO - no one knows or cares. You have to be an Old Timer to even know.
Most people dont even know or care about the insanity in the "revelation book" that we studied 4 times.
Most people are newish to the Org - or - just dont care about old "truths" that are not true now.
i've recently started to research npd.
having identified several of my family members as having it ( no wonder we're such a ¿***#@**!!!!
up family)there's huge similarities between the borg and individual members of the cong as well i've noticed.the over whelming love of self, the need to believe in a grandiose fictional version of themselves, always striving for more power and wealth, being unable to stand any criticism, and then there's the manipulation of the victims too.i could be wrong i guess but what thoughts do you guys have about it?
Its this strange dichotomy of - yes Its all about me, god is blessing me with a job, house, my blue honda, my illness is better, bla bla bla - and the thinking that you are just a piece of sinful crap. Good for nothing slave...'
Then you have some people who are just the NPDs - a sister in my hall who thinks she is the incarnation of Job (demons and angels play a part in all that happens to her) , and a amazingly ignorant stupid oblivious 50ish elder who can't speak in complete sentences, but thinks his parts are lincolnesque - and was wondering why it took so long to make him an elder.
We are bizarre!
the study wt of march 2016 is up on jw.org and is the standard article around this time of year...pressuring young kids to dedicate their lives to the organization again.
this wt will be studied during may, so just in time to pressure them into baptism at the regional conventions this summer.such articles really upset me, as the realization of how many young promising lives will be destroyed.
how many families will be broken up, when the child who got baptized as a minor (ages 6 and up are mentioned in the literature) decides as a young adult that his/her conscience no longer allows him/her to be part of such a destructive cult.
Its ALL about locking them in when young!
just to let you know that jw leaks will be back in full swing again in march 2016. we took a three month well deserved break (december-february).
for those who contacted us with concerns that our domain name had expired ... our domain name is secure.
tt is only the domain blog's mapping via wordpress that is currently effected.
My specific prayers were answered!
i read on here that the society teaches that the seven trumpets of revelation are representative of seven conventions held in america in the 1920. is this actually true?
is it old light?
i asked some witnesses but they all gave me a look like i was weird and said it couldn't be right, and i can't check the watchtower library as i can't get it on my computer (apparently the society doesn't think mac users are worthy of the 'good news') i mean... it would be a bit...odd, wouldn't it?
this seems to be a question that even scientifically is still in the air.
right now your consciousness, is it the physical part of the brain?
the electrical signals in the brain?
You will like this Exerpt.
“Equally favorite: Philosopher John Searle’s proof that no digital computer can have mental states (a mental state is, for example, your state of mind when I say, “Picture a red rose” and you do)—that minds can’t be built out of software. A digital computer can do only trivial arithmetic and logical instructions. You can do them, too; you can execute any instruction that a computer can execute. You can also imagine yourself executing lots and lots of trivial instructions. Then ask yourself, “Can I picture a new mind emerging on the basis of my doing lots and lots and lots of trivial instructions?” No. Or imagine yourself sorting a deck of cards—sorting is the kind of thing digital computers do. Now imagine sorting a bigger and bigger and bigger deck. Can you see consciousness emerging at some point, when you sort a large enough batch? Nope.
“And the inevitable answer to the inevitable first objection: But neurons only do simple signal transmission—can you imagine consciousness emerging out of that? This is an irrelevant question. The fact that lots of neurons make a mind has no bearing on the question of whether lots of anything else make a mind. I can’t imagine being a neuron, but I can imagine executing machine instructions. No mind emerges, no matter how many of those instructions I carry out.”
Excerpt From: John Brockman. “This Explains Everything.” iBooks.
the wt used to be rich for the quality of their public speakers, at the top of the ladder were the dos motivating the brothers on a weekly basis.
some of them used very folksy experiences related to the brothers as motivational tools, when you left the convention those experiences were the talk of the town.
i remember one very well qualified brother serving as do that was constantly using those sort of experiences as part of his arsenal, at one time he related one about a sister that new that she was going to die soon and while meeting with the family and brothers for final preparations she requested to be buried with a fork in her hand.
Having years of experience I have found that MOST of those are all made up, or sourced from other speeches given by NON JW sources. I have my self looked for good stories from websites that have them, or for sermons given by ministers, or the many books of quotes and anecdotes that are out there.
What I have found is that the ones the sound the most amazing are usually completely BS.
A CO gave one where the gist was - a daughter disobeyed her parents and went out at night without her parents knowing about it - they thought she was missing and the dad went out to find her - then he got into an accident - his car hit another one and guess what - his daughter was in it and she died.
Boo Hoo - BullShit made up crap.
lve been researching the ten plagues of egypt.saw a tv doco few years back explaining scientifically how they all occurred.for anybody interested simply google ten plagues of egypt explained.
sure is worth a look.cheers.
Well, here is the thing.
The ONLY place in the world that mentions the 10 plagues is the bible, There is NO historical mention other than that. It's MADE UP!
Just ask yourself this.
Here you have the World Power devastated by plagues, has every 1st born male killed, has its ENTIRE army and King slaughtered at one time, and lost all its slaves. It is now completely defenseless, not for days or months, but it would be for decades most likely,
And there is NO mention of it by any of the nations around it?
Not one nation thought - wow - here is our chance to swoop in and take all the riches of of Egypt?????
There is NO chance it ever happened.
are our dead loved ones watching over us at all or are they really just gone now?
One thing the WT has right is what happens when you die.
Game over.