So funny you reason it the way you did!
I was giving District Assembly talks and I had already woken up and considered my self an Atheist.
Me and a fellow woke elder joked to ourselves about it. Maybe Holy Spirit had the day off.
Such bullshit!
there is no holy spirit.
i lead a double life.
i post on apostate web sites, swear like a sailor, covertly subvert the watchtower religion and do many other things i'd rather not mention.
So funny you reason it the way you did!
I was giving District Assembly talks and I had already woken up and considered my self an Atheist.
Me and a fellow woke elder joked to ourselves about it. Maybe Holy Spirit had the day off.
Such bullshit!
the searcher started a topic addressing the gt, a comment from sparrowdown asked an interesting question -.
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."that's the statement that interests me.
what are they alluding to?.
The GB like the catch phrase of "Coalition" that got used by GW after 9/11.
And "Coalition of nations" provides GREAT cover for them to year by year make some country or group of countries the "ones" attacking doGs people.
It is so obvious that the UN aint gonna attack anyone.
Even when I was all in I thought that was as likely as the Good Humor Man attacking world religion.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
You mean where he says "We dont judge anyone" then spend the rest of the scene judging them?
where does one start :.
he is guilty of genocide for the attempted and succesful ,killing off other nations not leaving man woman or child alive.. he is guilty of barbarism against women for not living up to his rules or regulations such as cutting off a womans hand for defending her husband in a brawl with another man.. he is guilty of condemning the whole human race for the misdemeanor of the first human pair for eating a fruit he said not to eat ?
a bit over the top dont you think ?.
He would be asked to visit The Hague to stand trial for multiple Genocides.
watchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all! that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
I think it is scheduled for Next Tuesday.
7 years ago i was this "ultra spiritual elder".
you name it, i was visible all over the region.
i was the coordinator, on the convention committee, rbc, had a talk at every convention and assembly, regular pioneer, etc.
You got 1/2 of yourself out - time go get the other 1/2!!!!
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
A great ass and nice legs!
look my life is not bad but sometimes i just think about all the normal things i missed out on.
and no i'm not talking about christmas and birthday parties.
i'm talking about your first kiss happening in your twenties instead of your teens.
Two of my closest friends were both college educated and they're unemployed and homeless.
WOW - 2!!!! That many? That must be about 1/2 of all people who have EVER EVER gone to college.
You could write articles for the Washtowel and Awake magazine!
Your reasoning is SOOOOO spot on.
how many times did we hear the worn out expression "that anyone who accepts the "truth" needs to have the 3 h's".
yes, they must be "honest hearted.
hungry for truth, and humble enough to accept that they need to change".
When I was IN - i did my best to be those 3 H's as I am sure many of you did.
I don't think its completely fair to disparage every JW as if they know what they are doing.
I am fine with ripping the GB for the evil they do, but show some mercy on those who are Caught in the Web - just like Most of us were for years or decades.
Remember, most of them are Victims or Victims of VIctims.
Lets not be like the GB and paint millions of people with 1 wide brush.
look my life is not bad but sometimes i just think about all the normal things i missed out on.
and no i'm not talking about christmas and birthday parties.
i'm talking about your first kiss happening in your twenties instead of your teens.
Rainbow_Troll, - give it up man, go to a meeting and leave us alone.