Gregory A. Moore
He was mentally unbalanced, maybe had dementia, but caused lots of destruction.
i posted this thread sometime last year but thought i would revive it due to the new ones on the board, and to change things up a bit.
my favorite?
bro murikami, from hawaii, very humble, kind bro.
Gregory A. Moore
He was mentally unbalanced, maybe had dementia, but caused lots of destruction.
for some reason i found myself shaking my head once again in disbelief at the story in genesis.. amongst all things, the very concept of a "flaming sword" spinning around and blocking the "entrance to the garden of eden" is so stupid!.
do people really believe that as a fact?.
seriously, swords were not even invented at that time!
Think about it!!!
The God of LOVE is the first one to introduce the Most Successful Weapon to Mankind!
God INVENTED the Sword - then showed Adam and Eve it!!!!!!
FYI - He also told them not to eat meat (hunt), and then he makes clothing from animals.
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
Human element seen in 10 commandments
You mean MALE element!
what is the big deal when you say "good luck with that" or he just had bad luck?
i have never been a jw, but what is the problem with saying these things?
my husband was so mad, he went to bed and would not talk to me.
Saying that obviously puts you in League with Satan the Devil!
Next you will mention Voldemort out loud!
halluciengins, and several recent studies pointed out how we us only certain sections of our brain depending what is happening.
but some of them, like acid, make your entire brain turn on.
heightened senses.
It worked for Steve Jobs.
i still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
I would outlaw all Organized Religion.
Its all evil.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
Except that manipulating facts doesn't actually prove the point.
It proves the point when people only have that information and nothing else.
You know all other info os from "statans world" :)
did anyone notice the blatant stereotyping in the ' remember the wife of lot' video?.
the only thing missing with the oriental family was a pony tailed servant named 'hopsing' and that they all go off to work at the family laundry.. the mexican family ate tacos, refried beans, and hotsauce ('not there is anything wrong with hotsauce'....,sienfeld) at every meal, and of course the dad was a landscaper.
What? The WT stereotyping people?
Next your gonna tell me they are a cult.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
As Jehobers Bitnesses - we dont Judge anyone. Just like god we love everyone.
tell me me more about your just & loving god..
The GB told me to not view or read stories about Sex, Violence, or other things doG hates!
So I stopped reading the Bible!!