Simon, cant we do both?
Posts by ttdtt
Falcon Heavy
by Coded Logic inthe falcon heavy is set to launch today.
if successful, it will become the most powerful rocket in use (twice as powerful as the delta heavy).. as it's the very first attempt, elon musk has said he thinks there's a 50/50 chance of it not blowing up.
so should be interesting.
Out of the mouths of babes...
by pale.emperor inconversation with my 3yo this morning:.
me: hey, it's <friend in her nursery> birthday in a few days.
her: jehovah doesn't like birthdays.
It's amazing.
My youngest a few years ago before we started fading would say things that blew me away.
This was PRE us telling them that JWs are full of it."God cant live forever. that doesn't make any sense"
"We cant live forever, the earth cant exists forever so how could we?"
"I dont want to live forever, I think that would be scary and boring."Just a sampling. When she was 5 she said something that completely blew us away, but I am not going to talk about that now.
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Falcon Heavy
by Coded Logic inthe falcon heavy is set to launch today.
if successful, it will become the most powerful rocket in use (twice as powerful as the delta heavy).. as it's the very first attempt, elon musk has said he thinks there's a 50/50 chance of it not blowing up.
so should be interesting.
Fear of Dying
by SplaneThisToMe indid anyone else develop a weird fear of dying and death after leaving jw?
i recently left and have realized for the first time in my life that i’m not going to live forever.
anyone else have these same feelings toward discovering your own mortality?
Splain - I am so afraid.
I think about it all the time. Because of it I sometimes see live as pointless (what does anything matter since the second I die it will be like I never lived at all).
As a result of fading away, I am currently going through a giant unexpected life trama that has shaken me as much or more than finding out the TTATT. That is not helping me cope at all.
The thought that very very soon (tomorrow or 30 years is soon since I feel like I was 8 only last week), I will just blink out of existence is impossible for me to wrap my head around. How could that happen to me?
The thought that I will miss out on all my kids will do. Because of having kids late in life so I could slave for the kingdom, means I will not have as much time with them as normal people, I will not see my grandkids grow up, like normal people.
I am struggling.
As a side note, yesterday I watched (SPOILER ALERT FOR "THE AMERICANS"} an episode of The Americans.
I am trying to catch up. It was the one where Nina is executed. It hit me like a ton of bricks for some reason.
I think the thought of your here, and in one second totally beyond your control or expectation, you are gone.
For some reason I played that scene over and over with tears in my eyes the whole time.
I had the worst feeling in my gut.Link +1 / -0 -
by redundantcartworker ini recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
To me, the most LAME, thoughtless, lazy, insulting part of 99% of JW Memorial talks (99% because the 2 times I gave the talk I didn't) was read the fucking obituary at the beginning. OMG that always infuriated me!!!
I know who survived them, they are sitting in the front of the Hall! What do I care about the day they were born (now is not the birthday time) and I know when they died! -
The book burning has started
by pale.emperor indon't know if this is a global thing but i've just been told by a pimo member of my old congregation that a min servant has been given the task of destroying all old books/literature in the kh library prior to 1992.. could be the elders (or even one of them) on a mission to stamp out dissent as my ex-wife used the same reasoning to her elder dad that i used in my jc: rutherfords books containing failed predictions.. anyone else heared anything?.
the ms who's been given the task is a company man.
no hope of him keeping them or selling them on ebay.. they have some russell books in that library too.
by redundantcartworker ini recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
Here is the outline if you want to see.
And the type of talk depends GREATLY on the speaker.
I gave a few and they were NOT the standard JW memorial talk.
I thought it was insulting to make it a recruitment talk.Read the NOTE on the end - this was new - before this any eulogizing was a NO NO.
[Use any that apply and are appropriate.]
Give details regarding age, birth, when married, surviving family, and so forth
Share the dedication record of the deceased, including privileges of service
Highlight exemplary qualities displayed by the deceased (Ec 7:1)
Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one (Ge 23:2; 37:34, 35)
When Lazarus died, Jesus showed sympathy and provided comfort for those grieving (Joh 11:23-26, 33-35)
Jehovah God has tender feelings for those who grieve and promises to comfort them (Ps 34:18; 147:3)
Jehovah is the God of wisdom, justice, love, and power
Death was not part of his original purpose for mankind
Death is the result of Adam’s disobedience (Ge 2:7, 15-17; 3:19)
All of Adam’s descendants have inherited death (Ro 5:12)
God has provided a hope that is sure to be realized (Isa 55:10, 11; Re 21:4)
The Bible clearly tells us the condition of the dead
The soul is mortal (Eze 18:4, 20)
The dead are unconscious (Ps 146:4; Ec 9:5, 10)
The Bible gives hope that millions who have died will live again
The resurrection hope is made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Mt 20:28)
Christ’s resurrection provides a guarantee (1Co 15:22, 23)
God has appointed Jesus to raise the dead (Joh 5:25, 28, 29)
Anointed Christians are resurrected to heavenly life (1Co 15:51-54; Re 20:4, 6)
Jesus’ “other sheep” will be resurrected to life in the earthly Paradise (Joh 10:16; Lu 23:43)
Those who lived and died without an opportunity to understand and apply Bible truth also have the
prospect of a resurrection (Ac 24:15)
A funeral reminds us of the brevity and uncertainty of life (Ec 9:11)
The reality of death makes us think about how we are using our life (Ps 90:12)
By the way we live, we can make “a good name” with Jehovah God (Ec 7:1-4)
Jesus said for us to store up treasures in heaven (Mt 6:19-21)
By our zealous works and godly conduct, we share in sanctifying Jehovah’s name (Pr 27:11)
The resurrection hope provides an incentive to learn and do God’s will (1Co 15:58; 1Ti 2:3, 4)
Those who do so can be certain that they will soon see their resurrected loved ones again
We should use this occasion and the days ahead to comfort one another (1Th 5:11)
As fellow believers, we can remind one another of our sure hope and provide emotional support (Pr 17:17)
We prayerfully look to Jehovah to give needed strength until he provides permanent relief (Ps 9:9, 10)
[Note: Opening with prayer is optional. The purpose of the talk is to uphold Jehovah as a God of love and mercy and at the same time bring comfort to the bereaved. Give a fine witness concerning the truth, but also make your talk warm and personal. Not all points and scriptures need to be used. Adapt the material to match the circumstances of the deceased and the needs of grieving ones. While not overpraising the deceased, you may use events from his life throughout the talk to show how those in attendance can benefit from his example. Use good balance in this regard. You may choose to arrange a well-rehearsed interview with a brother in good standing who knew the deceased well. Any use of humor should be moderate. The dignity of the occasion should be preserved. The talk need not exceed 30 minutes. Do not invite the audience to make expressions about the deceased, as this could introduce inappropriate or unscriptural elements into the program. Use of such songs as Nos. 19, 111, or 134 is optional to open or close the program or both. A brief prayer at the close is fitting. When arrangements are made to go to the grave, it is good to consider quit briefly our Kingdom hope, reading one or two scriptures, such as Job 14:14, 15 and 1 Corinthians 15:54b-57.
This service may also be closed with prayer, thanking Jehovah for the resurrection hope.]
S-32-E 2/16
2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
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Questions from readers: Pillow talk
by truthseeker ini can't believe they came out with this.... question from readers: should a youth who struggles with masturbation sleep with a pillow?.
you young people know that it is wise to make such restrictions, especially during "the bloom of youth.
" (1 corinthians 7:36).
Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
freemindfade - what is easy to point out though is that he got elected on Fake promises and outright lies.
Remember he started his whole campaign on evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and was some kind of Manchurian candidate. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding"
His hundreds of lies are demonstrable, and unlike anything, we have ever seen in politics, which is saying something.
And when he actualy does what he says, it is often bad for America.
Like making it ok for Coal (a dead industry) to pollute waterways and the air, and at the same time is killing America's solar production future with his Tariffs, hamstringing a burgeoning industry employing 10x what coal does, and is feeding into construction and sales across the country. China will now have a permanent lock on that industry.“We want clean air, we want clean water” He campaigned on, but is gutting the EPA.
I do marketing work for a semiconductor company in my state that makes diodes and cascades used in solar, and they are freaking out! By the way, the owner and president of the company was a lifelong Republican, and he just switched parties to independent because of Trump.
I know a GOP player who now runs a company in PA - she was in the Reagan transition and worked for Senator Heinz as well. She is ashamed of her party. By the way she admitted to me that the tax savings the company will get are going straight into offshoring part of the manufacturing to Mexico, not into the employee's pockets.
Many real republicans know he is a cancer to the party and the country.
Eliot Cohen, Rory Cooper, Michael Steel, David Frum, Peggy Noonan, Naill Ferguson, Jeff Flake, Rich Galen, Bill Kristol, Tim Miller, Grover fucking Norquist, Heater Richardson, Andy Roth, Karl Rove, Matt Schlapp, Chuck Sykes, Tom Tancredo, Rick Tyler, Bob Plaats. The list goes on. These are grownups that understand what is really happening.This is not a Right v Left thing. You can have opinions and disagreements about policy. I did with GW, but I never thought he was out to destroy the country for his own selfish purpose. Trump is different, and he is fucking his base up the ass with their pants on, and they don't know it yet.
And by the way - all the people he HATES that are investigating him are ones HE appointed as "the best people". or are lifelong Republicans.
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Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.