I cant deal with the fact that - as soon as your heart stops - it will be like you never existed.
Really having an issue with it.
i did some self-reflection today trying to determine why, with every passing day, i become angrier against the watchtower company.
i am in my 70's and my health is failing.
at first, i thought it was because "worldly" people couldn't care less about jdubs and the little world they live in even though the witlesses think that the earth revolves around them and their desert god who was originally worshipped by the cainites.
I cant deal with the fact that - as soon as your heart stops - it will be like you never existed.
Really having an issue with it.
many years back, my younger brother and i were the most mischievous kids in the kingdom hall.
we would mischievously take away things like the bible , study magazines, etc from meeting attendees.
soon, they will suspect us if anything went missing.. our parents were annoyed with our conduct and behaviour.. they requested an elder to talk to us.
Apparently, he is taking a crap all over the earth.
i did some self-reflection today trying to determine why, with every passing day, i become angrier against the watchtower company.
i am in my 70's and my health is failing.
at first, i thought it was because "worldly" people couldn't care less about jdubs and the little world they live in even though the witlesses think that the earth revolves around them and their desert god who was originally worshipped by the cainites.
Sour Grapes,
I can really sympathize man. I am in my 50's and just got out a few years ago. I am behind the 8 ball in so many ways. It is easy to let anger and regret get the best of you, but there is very little upside to it. Not that I have any magic words that can help.
i hate the rule about if your mate cheats on you, and you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry because the sex means you forgave them and keeps you stuck with them!
i personally disagree and think it’s so controlling that they think they can dictate what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting, legally married married people.
and that they think they have the right to label what other people’s sex means.
No they dont. I never heard that by the way.
i hate the rule about if your mate cheats on you, and you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry because the sex means you forgave them and keeps you stuck with them!
i personally disagree and think it’s so controlling that they think they can dictate what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting, legally married married people.
and that they think they have the right to label what other people’s sex means.
It is not just JWs - Religion, in general, has Poisoned sex.
we hear a story regarding the life of thomas and emma.
she states that "when thomas and i first learnt that i was pregnant, we were both really shocked" she doesn't explain why they were both really shocked but it seems an odd reaction unless they were using the safest contraception invented or hadn't been told about the bird and the bees.two experiences that touched the heart of gb sanderson were as follows -.
in russia a jw was jailed for 6 months, the jailers did everything to try to undermine his faith, which included violence.
The odd thing about this is why would the inerrogator think that showing him these photos would some how sway him against his Bro's.?
I call Bullshit - its made up.
As an Elder who gave many District Assembly talks and was behind the scenes a lot. Twisting facts and making things up is not beyond the WT. I saw it happen many times.
i have seen so many that have left.
and their life turned into a dumpster fire.
most do not live the average life of living in suburbs, raising a family.
They mostly leave because of getting DFed. Most then dont look into the religion and just work their way back because of the pains of shunning. They still think its the truth.
i'm having one of those days where i feel lonely and wish i had someone to just hang out with.
my husband got disfellowshipped 3 years ago and even though i didn't do anything wrong i was pushed away.
my so called "friends" decided to avoid me.
It is very hard. My kids are pretty much my world.
Have lost so so much.
It's hard to make new friends.
Most people don't get what it's like being in a Cult and leaving.
There are so many normal experiences that everyone has had that you haven't.
Hard for people to relate to you and even harder to relate to others.
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
The demon stories are always great!
One Sister told about how in their house one night all the kitchen cabinet doors started opening and closing.
There was some demon posses item in the house (Garage sale of course). And how FRIGHTENED THEY ALL WERE! And how powerful demons are.
But the funny part (which shows it was of course BS) THEY NEVER LEFT THE HOUSE.
If that happened to me - I would have run out and never gone back.
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
One CO during the meeting with the elders said -- that if you travel for work and when you walk into your hotel room, Porn is playing on the TV, you should rip the chord out of the back of the TV, because that's why Hotels have maintenance crews.
So much wrong with that - I wanted to speak out but just keep quiet:)
I want to know what hotel chain he stays at though :)