stuck - same boat.
We faded with not one knowing any bad reason why.
Being stumbled is the only thing they could attribute to.
Instead of being upset someone who may have done that to us, we just got preemptively shunned.
so as you all know, my wife and i are not officially df or da.. a small event happened this week that i have to share!.
a family that we were really close to (dinners and catch ups several times a month , go out socially often, play sport together, helped them through tough times, like uncle and aunty to their kids, etc).
the wife's father died.
stuck - same boat.
We faded with not one knowing any bad reason why.
Being stumbled is the only thing they could attribute to.
Instead of being upset someone who may have done that to us, we just got preemptively shunned.
i often wonder about death.
no one has any idea, do they?
people have speculated since the beginning of time but each original concept of the hereafter as been absurd as the one before.
Knowing there is nothing after my heart stops haunts me so much.
After almost 5 decades of thinking that I will never die, I have a hard time coping now.
I wish I had a faith in something after, it would make things easier, but its just a Fiction created by people like me who could not fathom not existing.
CG I feel for you.
i have recently read in the news that an attack on iran is planned sometime after the olympics in beijing.
here's a bit of background to it:.
when irans fledgling democracy was overthrown with support of cia the shah of iran was giving israel free oil thru a pipeline that still runs thru saudi arabia to a refinery in the israeli city of haifa.
Of course it is -- its starts two weeks from next tuesday:)
i've noticed in the past 10 years that the social support that used to be available in the congs, a shoulder to cry on, elders to help with family/marriage issues these seem to have been purposely withdrawn.
counsel is even heard from the platform that the elders are not there to help people with their problems.. so first in the 80s-90s they take away the congregation get to getters and social events and now they seem to be going one step further in taking away the emotional support for people too.. this will take away an aspect that i'm sure was keeping alot of people in the borg, the community support.
if that's not there and its just about meetings and ministry how many will start to get their emotional support elsewhere?.
LongHairGal - Bingo.
I can't believe that (without any real evidence or experience) I would pontificate on how OTHER churches have NO LOVE amongst themselves.
That the churches are full of selfish people who just want their ears tickled and don't care about the other people there.
WHAT BULLSHIT I was taught and spread.
and now it's 2018 and we are still here.
that's like saying back in 1930 the events of the civil war show we are in the last days!
it has now been that long!.
Yes and every century Before and Since.
i've noticed in the past 10 years that the social support that used to be available in the congs, a shoulder to cry on, elders to help with family/marriage issues these seem to have been purposely withdrawn.
counsel is even heard from the platform that the elders are not there to help people with their problems.. so first in the 80s-90s they take away the congregation get to getters and social events and now they seem to be going one step further in taking away the emotional support for people too.. this will take away an aspect that i'm sure was keeping alot of people in the borg, the community support.
if that's not there and its just about meetings and ministry how many will start to get their emotional support elsewhere?.
mikeflood - You are right. I remember as a Pioneer telling people how "stupid" churches were for separating kids from adults during services. And being so prideful that "we" dont. (no idea why i would take pride in that).
Then I remember being on stage as an elder and doing parts like local needs where you "should really get into things" but you see all these little faces out there, and have to hold back.
Or when there are parts in the bible that NO kid should have to listen to or here explanations of.
FYI - I have come to realize there is NO family in JWs.
When you can be abandoned by what you thought were "friends sticking closer than a brother" abandons you for not having the same schedule anymore. The love is 1 layer of skin deep.
Literally - no one has any fact-based reason to think I did anything bad - in fact they should have reason to think I was STUMBLED (fortune gave me a good hand to play that one when I faded) - yet me and my family have been abandoned (LUCKY US!!!!)
So much for the 1 sheep - and the having love amongst themselves.
this article is amazing.
there have been other recent articles about reversing aging in mice.
Silly you - only Dogs Kingdom can do that:)
in your message, you wanted to know what the "certificate ofdestruction" used by the watchtower records department looks like.
(as soon as atlantis gets a copy i'll send it to you.
)please view this leaked video and go to 33 minutes of the video.
Also makes an FBI raid for records easier to get.
Not that that will ever happen.
my husband was df 3 years ago.
i still attended meetings but not regularly and for the past 10 months i have not attended any at all.
my husband wanted to get reinstated until maybe a few months ago when i started to help him to wake up.
I would worry what will happen if he does get reinstated.
People may love bomb him for a bit, but then when he fades they will abandon him again.
He will have lost the same set of friends twice.
That might be worse for him.
wt back to 1950, aw back to 1970, like the cd rom library... .
Here is a good one from 1975 :)
Unnatural Sexual Relations
● Over two years ago this magazine warned against perverted sex practices such as oral and anal copulation, pointing out that, like homosexuality, these were “contrary to nature.” The Christian apostle Paul says that those practicing unnatural sexual acts ‘receive in themselves the full recompense due for their error.’ —Rom. 1:21-27.
Supporting this, the July 15, 1974, “Watchtower” quoted a warning from Dr. Elmar G. Lutz that “herpes-virus,” which ranks next to gonorrhea as a leading venereal disease, could be transmitted through oral-genital sex acts.
Now, from the London “Medical News” comes yet further evidence of the rightness of the apostle Paul’s inspired statement. At the Praed Street Clinic of St. Mary’s Hospital, authorities are quoted as saying that, while male gonorrhea acquired from the rectum (as in homosexual acts) has been relatively “commonplace,” evidence now records increased rectal contamination with gonorrhea among women. Of 105 females referred to the Clinic, doctors found that almost half had “indulged in either oral or rectal coitus.” The report adds that “such figures co-relate closely with those previously obtained from overseas sources.”