Where did god come from?
You have no issue not knowing that, but you have an issue with not knowing where the universe came from.
god lives in Heaven with all his good peeps now, right?
Did Heaven exist forever?
Did god build heaven?
If he did, why, was he unhappy?
When did he build heaven?
god made all the little angels.
Why? Was he unhappy alone?
If he was, how long did he wait to make them?
Was he unhappy alone for a long time?
Why did he wait so long to make them?
god has been around forever?
If he was, how did we ever get to now?
If he was around for an eternity before us, how could we ever get to now?
Dont say god made time, that is a silly answer.
Was there a time before he made heaven?
Was there time between making JC and the other angels?
Was there a time between each angle being made?
Was there time between the last angel and the universe being made?