To be perfectly honest, I am very angry, bitter and heartbroken.
This evil cult ruined my 22 year long marriage, cost me 25 years of my life and the loss of a handful of very good people.
DITTO (but add some years)
so i roll up to the job site and looky there, two uber pioneer dubs dragging themselves down the sidewalk.
both ladies are in there early 60's and born in.. my heart started pumping, but i had to act.i was directly across the street from them.
i walked right to the sidewalk and said in a very loud, but not mean voice: "you can't teach overlapping generations from the bible!!
To be perfectly honest, I am very angry, bitter and heartbroken.
This evil cult ruined my 22 year long marriage, cost me 25 years of my life and the loss of a handful of very good people.
DITTO (but add some years)
i just wanted to share with you the thoughts that i've had lately.. my plan was to get a job, become independent and then leaving the org throughout this year 2018. i'm going to achieve the first step in a matter of weeks, the second one soon afterwards but maybe i will wait a little longer for the last one.. one year ago a friend of mine was reinstated.
we weren't very close friends back then, although we got along well.
but, since no many jws in my town want to hang out with him (because of his being a former disfellowshipped), we started to talk and go out more often and in a matter of half a year we've become very close friends, like brothers.
Just know that it gets Harder to leave the longer you stay.
And it gets Harder to build a normal life the longer you wait to get out.
just when you think you've heard it all:.
'look at all these stores and businesses offering price matching!
they're desperate for funds.
neat - those sound like MEMES about JWs?
Did you really hear JW saying those things?
so i roll up to the job site and looky there, two uber pioneer dubs dragging themselves down the sidewalk.
both ladies are in there early 60's and born in.. my heart started pumping, but i had to act.i was directly across the street from them.
i walked right to the sidewalk and said in a very loud, but not mean voice: "you can't teach overlapping generations from the bible!!
FYI in my comment I MEANT to say NON AGGRESSIVE.
I think spellcheck changed it.
we all know how much the watchtower abhors "higher education" and that apparently jehovah thinks it is a big waste of time.
at least that is their official stance.
it might come as a shock to you that this month they have started a campaign drive to actually recruit jws who have higher education, specifically those who have legal training.. with all the law suits against them for creating an environment that is friendly to paedophiles, it is thus no wonder that they are in need of solicitors, especially those who are sympathetic towards the cult.. talk about hypocrisy!.
Letters like this have gone out before.
The WT has asked for Degreed help before.
so i roll up to the job site and looky there, two uber pioneer dubs dragging themselves down the sidewalk.
both ladies are in there early 60's and born in.. my heart started pumping, but i had to act.i was directly across the street from them.
i walked right to the sidewalk and said in a very loud, but not mean voice: "you can't teach overlapping generations from the bible!!
I think the best way to challenge JWs when you have the opportunity is first of all to be aggressive.
Then ask them to show you proof from their bible (since they are bible students and read it every day) of these 3 basic teachings.
1. Show me proof of a 1st century Governing Body.
2. Show me how you see the year 1914 as an important year and identified in the bible.
3. Show me proof that there are overlapping generations.
Since NONE will be able to do this, and at best they will have to do backbends to even find something that might have some distant relation to it, it may get them to think.
Then you close with:
"Your entire religion hangs on these 3 basic beliefs, and you a bible student of X years cant find them in the bible? The only thing you can do is find a WT article that explains them for you?
Don't you think that's sad?"
ok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
smiddy3 - Actually you should thank T. S. Eliot.
That line comes from his Poem "The Hollow Men"
ok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
Count how many religions have collapsed?
I cant name any especially a religion that numbers in the millions.
Sadly, the WT will outlive all of us, because of one reason.
People are stupid. I know cuz I was one of them.
two years ago i started stand up comedy.
here is a recent video.
Awesome! Very funny!!
Good on you mate!
to all bodies of elders "handling cases of drug abuse".
september 1, 2018. to all bodies of elders re: handling cases of drug abusedear brothers: as noted below, the procedure for handling the misuse of marijuana and the abuse of medi- cal, illicit, or addictive drugs has been adjusted to harmonize with the procedure for handling the misuse of tobacco.
I am addicted to Food Water and Air.
Can 2 brothers handle that, or is it a full on judicial matter?